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Posts posted by RobWright

  1. I've noticed a bizarre behavior with LabVIEW running on Vista, and am wondering if this is a bug I should report, or if someone has already resolved this issue. This behavior occurs with both LV8.5.1 and 8.6.1.

    Here's how to duplicate my issue:

    1) place a path control on a front panel

    2) click the browse button and navigate to a write-protected file

    3) select the write-protected file, and then click OK

    For me, doing the above actions causes a dialog box to be displayed that says something to the effect "You have selected a write protected file. Please select a different file" (or something very similar). It happens whether the VI is running or just in edit mode.

    This is without trying to even read the file, just selecting it. Has anyone noticed this behavior? Is it Vista? Is it LabVIEW? Is it the interaction between them?

    This issue precludes me from reading in the contents of any read-only file. Bizzarre.

    Any help would be appreciated. Do you have the same issue? Does reading a write-protected file work OK for you?

    Thanks very much, in advance, Rob.

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