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Posts posted by nanoguy936

  1. Thank you for these tips, I've really been at a loss lately.

    My level of experience is definitely novice. I took a class on the language and then received the lowest level certification at one of the NI testing site things.

    I sent the examples folder to my colleague across the country and I'll update once I find out what happens.

    We ran the program under "highlight execution" (is this similar to putting break points in?) and noticed the error occurred at the "Enable Output.VI".

    We got errors in both constant and sweep mode :/

    Also, I downloaded LabTracer 2.0 which is Keithley's (The instrument manufacturer) program built specifically for this instrument and, to my surprise anyway, received the same error list.

    I appreciate the feedback!

    No idea how to fix it. But I can try to help you out.

    I looked at the code. I happened to have the 2400 driver installed because I was using it on a customer project a few months ago.

    You have a constant and a sweep mode for applying the voltage. Which mode is giving you errors?

    Have you tried running the Keithley examples that come with the driver? There is one called Keithley 24XX\Examples\Keithley 24XX Read Single.vi

    There is also another one called: Keithley 24XX\Examples\Keithley 24XX Sweep and Acquire Measurements.vi

    Try running each one stand-alone without your code in memory and see if it runs without errors.

    If those run fine then take a closer look at your specific implementation.

    Also. This is a bit obvious, but I'm not sure of your level of experience, so I'll mention it anyway. You should put breakpoints after each driver call and run your routine. Monitor the instrument behavior after each Driver Vi call. Then track down which specific call generates the error.

  2. Hello Labview Community,

    I recently wrote a program that uses the Keithley 2400 Sourcemeter to gather I-V plots and save them in a tab delimited format.

    A colleague of mine at another university could certainly benefit from this program as it would cut her data gathering time into a tiny fraction of what it already is.

    We spent a few hours on the phone and finally got a list of errors we could not figure out how to resolve.

    The program will run but when you begin trying to apply a voltage, the following errors occur:

    -113,"Undefined header"

    -230,"Data corrupt or stale"

    -420,"Query UNTERMINATED"

    I wrote the program in LabView 8.5 and my colleague is trying to run it in the new LabView 2010.

    Any Ideas on how to fix this problem? I've been racking my brain the past couple days to no avail.

    I have attached the program.

    2400 Sweep with I-V Real Time Display and temp meas.vi

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