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Ken N

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Posts posted by Ken N

  1. I think I misunderstood what you were going for, and I didn't even look at your LabVIEW version so you probably didn't get to run my examples. I turned the LEDs off at the end of their appointed times. Here's how I did it. Those are Elapsed Time express VIs.


    I felt bad after writing this because it would require more code to add more LEDs, and it would get very ugly very quickly. I wrote this to go up to 32 LEDs without changing the code. I think it would be easy to add even more, but I'll leave that up to you. That's a Time Delay express VI. The thing I really don't like about this approach is that it can't be stopped, only aborted.


    PS - the second loop exists only because I HATE local variables.

    Hi Jcarmody,

    Thank you for your help. Your diagram is a little bit high to my understanding, but I am going to study your diagram and I hope I will understand your way very soon.


  2. Hello,

    I am sorry you all. Yesterday morning I tried to send my writing code by Add Reply button and Attachment , but I don't know why it doesn't come on Forum.

    I am not a college student. I have been learning labview for a couple weeks by myself because I just bought a book "LEARNING LABEVIEW 6i". I have gone through some chapters and do alot of problems. But this is a problem I couldn't firgure it out.

    I used Sequence Structure and each sequence is for each LED and timer. I enclosed the attachment below.

    Once again, I am a new learning.




  3. Hello to everyone,

    I am a newer this forum. Can you please help me some information?

    I just bought an used Labview book, LEARNING WITH LABVIEW 6i by Robert Bishop, 4 weeks ago.

    When I tried to work on exercises, it always mentioned the Learning Directory in Exercises&Problem Chater 5 folder.

    I don't know what does it mean, I just have the book only without any CD or Learning Directory...

    If I don't have this directory, I couldn't do my exercises any more, and the book will be useless.

    Is any one know this and please help me how to get learning directory?

    Thank you all in advance!!! I am very happy to get in touch with all smart people on this forum.

    Ken N

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