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Carlos Colombia

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Everything posted by Carlos Colombia

  1. Hi, this is the first time I use MatLab script node in LabView. I am using it because I have a MatLab speech recognition algorithm that I want to use with Labview for control. 1- If my Matlab code requires the user to press a key when the user is ready to say a command, will I be able to press this key in Labview? or read data displayed in the Matlab command window? such as fprintf, pause commands etc?. I ask this question because the Matlab command window from LabVIEW doesn't show the MatLab code. 2- If my code requires several .m files. Do I have to include just the toplevel file ? or also generate Matlab script nodes for all the files called? If this is the case, how do I chose the order of compilation for all these MatLab script nodes. I would really appreciate your help, Carlos
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