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LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 7.1
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  1. Thank you for replying
  2. Hi, Is it possible to reset the counters to Zero of my code by using a button? thanks in advance
  3. Thank you, that solved my problem. The program does what I want. And thank you for for the Code Capture Tool link... it's very useful.
  4. I have checked the BD and it looks good. I can not make it work properly. I always get 0's... BD, FP and VI are attached. Untitled.vi
  5. OK...I will try your program and let you know. I'll write it because I have LV7.1 Thanks a lot.
  6. Thanks for replying jcarmody. I think this is what I am looking for. But I've got some doubts... Please see the attached.
  7. Thank you for your answer but jcarmody's post is what I'm looking for.
  8. Hello, I posted a topic to get help with a simple pass/fail counter. That helped me a lot with my application. Now I want to count the failure type, I'd like to use a boolean array as the input. I hope you can help. I'm attaching the original counter, and the idea I want to implement...
  9. Excellent. I believe this will help me a lot with my application. Thank you very much for following up.
  10. I am not that familiar with Shift Registers. I have run the running tally.vi program that crelf wrote and it does what I want. But I do not know how to implement it into the application I have. Please see the attachment... *The attachment untitled.jpg is the general idea of what I want in my application. *The test.jpg is the actual test file I use. -Main Program.vi calls a subvi which is Test.vi -Test.vi has all the conditions to determine whether the test has passed or failed. -I want to use that Pass (boolean) variable to trigger the "running tally.vi" everytime the test is finished and count the passes and fails. The quantity of tests is undetermined. I hope you can help.
  11. Thank you for your prompt reply Thanks so much for your print screens....
  12. Hi all, I'am a new user of LabVIEW, currently it is supposed the application shows a boolean with the result. A LED on the front panel turns ON when it passes the test, and if it fails the test, the led is turned OFF. and I want to add a counter to simply count parts that have passed and failed a test. Do you guys have an idea in how to do this? I'll appreciate any help.
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