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Everything posted by zdkred6

  1. hi sachsm, thanks for the post. i understand what you are saying but to be honest don't know how to do it in labview. can you sugest somewhere were i can see an example of this. i have tried the NI website but cant find anything on PWM. also i can find lots of examples for AI / AO for the 6008/9 but none for AI / DO. do you or anyone else no where i can find some examples on this please.
  2. hi all, was wondering if anyone out there was able to help me with this. firstly just a small bit of back ground info about me. i'm a student with a little labview experience, i'm running labview 2009 and using a NI USB-6008 DAQ. i need to write a labview program that controls air temperature using PID. i will have an anolog input (v) for the temperature read and 2 digital outputs, 1 for the DC fan and 1 for the heating element. i have done a small bit on this already. using the DAQ assist i can get the AI and in put it to a PID sub VI. when i try to conect the output from the PID vi. to the DAQ assist for the DO's i am unable to. also i'm not sure if i can switch the 2 DO seperatly or do they have to come on together? what i mean is will i be able to switch on the heating element and then pulse on and off the fan as the temperature rises to the set point? i hope this makes sence. if anyone can please help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.
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