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Everything posted by azlan

  1. azlan


    thanx 4 ur help n support........ really appreciate it....... i already understand the usage of this port.........=)
  2. azlan


    tq 4 reply....... but the tank still not running as i click the run button in Labview 8.5.1........ the connection is all wired at Analogue input of USB6008......... i already designed GUI at Labview......n then used the MAX and DAQ assistant to interfaces the tank and Labview....... here are some attached file of my connection....... should i used digital port or analogue port????? Here are the connection : ANALOGUE PORT : Terminal 1 GND green colour 2 AI+ purple colour 5 AI+ blue colour 14 AO red colour 15 AO purple colour (Bright) 16 GND GREEN COLOUR How to interface using USB6008 with Labview 8.5.1???? Can u give some tips to solve this problem???? Give me some tips when to used in Digital or analogue port???????really2 confused????? i'm still confusing......... tq again for ur help........
  3. azlan


    hello everyone.......... i'm a new beginner for Labview........i need some idea on how to interface the USB6008 with the Labview....... i'm confused with the analog and digital output usb 6008.........which one should i used after already developed GUI labview VI......??? i found that my laboratory tank connected to the analog pin....... my question is : after create Daq assistant,which port should i used????? analog or digital port???? could anyone help me????? Thanx........
  4. Hye all...... i want to develop graphical user interfaces PID Controller to control level height and interfaces with coupled tank apparatus using NI-DAQ USB 6008...... i've found some good examples and i attached here.......i've already edit and there is 1 error to be solve....... my problem is the simulation can't be run because there is some error ~SubVi 'IO Duncan .vi :SubVI is missing....... can you help me on how to edit these problem???? as long as the simulation can be simulate.......... thanx 4ur help...... regards..... azlan...... WATER TANK CONTROLLER 3.vi
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