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Posts posted by BigEddieM37

  1. I have a requirement where I need to specifically modify the DATE and TIME of a group of a few dozen or so MS-Windows files which are programatically copied by a LV 8.5 utility into a selected destination folder. I have to modify the date and time of ALL the copied files to be the same date and time whether that be the current date and time or a selected date and time. (There's an application specific reason) There doesn't seem to be any file function in LV 8.5 that will allow me to accomplish this. I've tried copyping, renaming and moving with no success. The original windows file timestamp remains unchanged no matter what I do with the file.

    The only related (sort of) mention of this that I found on the NI website is a utility that someone wrote called GetFileCreationDate.vi (http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/0A2...625727C000CFA7B) which actually does the opposite of what I need to do. I need to SetFileCreationDate. Does anyone know of an easy way for me to accomplish what I've described? Of does someone already have a utility called SetFileCreationDate.vi that does this? Unfortunatley I'm not a C programmer, so searching the MSDN vaults for a solution can be a bit challenging. Comments or suggestions appreciated. Thanks. Ed

  2. I contacted LV tech support and received an answer to this subject. I was told that the NI LV development team IS aware of this particular issue and they decided to specifically change it as such in version 8. Apparently they wanted to try and convince people to practice 'LabView standards programming' and therefore use of transparent labels on block diagrams does NOT conform to 'LabView standards programming'. Thus the default AND 'acceptable' form of free labels on a LV block diagram are what the LV development team has specified them to be, yellow background with a black border. This particular choice has been taken away from the user. Oh well.

  3. I'm reluctant to post something that appears to be a LV-101 no brainer but this one has me stumped. In previous LV versions prior to 8 I could CLICK and select the Block Diagram Tools/Options choice which says 'Use Transparent Name Labels'. Subsequently BOTH VI block diagram name labels AND 'free' text that I would arbitrarily type on my BD would be transparent.

    Now, however in LV 8 it appears that regardless of whether or not that BD options box is checked any 'free' text comments or notes that I type on my BD appear with a yellowish background and a black line border around it. Whenever I use such free text I have to specifically go into the tools pallete and use the paintbrush to remove this BG color and line border. I've always been very careful and specific with my use of color and font styles of free text so that my block diagrams are effectively and carefully commented for anyone who has to support my LV work in the future. This 'highlighted' text adds additional color which I feel can be distracting. This problem is annoying. (at least for me it is.)

    I don't see this issue listed as a bug in the LV8 buglist. Also, there's an entry in the LabView.ini file called transparentBDLabels=True but this has no effect on my problem. Am I missing something here? Anyone else encounter this? Maybe my LV has something corrupted?

    Comments appreciated.



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