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Posts posted by Stardom

  1. I've not actually done this on any XNode I've written (yet) but the output of the GrowInfo ability vi has settings to mark the XNode as growable etc. I think you will also need to make the Get Terms(3), Bounds, Image abilities aware that the XNode can be resized.

    Any idea how that would be accomplished (makeing the bounds, image stuff 'aware'?) I guess i'll have to play with all these settings, i saw the growinfo stuff and changed it in one of the sample xnodes from this site, but it didn't make a difference.

    Edit: oh, and how exactly could a polymorphic vi like index array actually have terminals that can grow? That sounds almost like what only an xnode, creating extra code. Hmm, maybe grow handles is something not exposed yet :rolleyes:

  2. Alright, so recently ive run into some trouble with using the scripting tools package. I've been attempting to tag an array control, but when i copy it from the template (the tempmlate consists of a numeric array which is tagged, thats all) and move it to a new vi, the tag disappears! I've noticed that the tag doesn't disappear on the sequences and tunnels used in the example vi's, but they disappear for array controls.

    See thte attached screenshot. The first 'find and move' works, but then the find tag doesn't find anything afterwards. However, i can successfully retrieve the tag using the 'tagged object output' of 'find and move'.



  3. OK, so im being picky here. I have an xnode and i want a broken wire to appear with a specific error message ('not a 1d array'). Instead, the only way i can accomplish this is to set the 'broken wire' property in the GetTerms3.vi ability for the Term type to true. However, this has a preset error message, something about this being a polymorphic vi which can't accept this input.

    Anyone know how i can create my custom error messages? I prefer broken arrows instead of run time error messages for type checking.

  4. In other words, each ability vi has to belong to the xnode library. So, i would like to somehow associate all ability vis in a directory with the corresponding xnode since i simply use the same template for each xnode, only changing the name of the xnode and some code. Right now, once we associate the vi to the xnode, the name of the vi becomes

    the_xnode.xnode:Generate Code.vi

    or something like that.

    The xnode manager does this, but there is no source code for it.

  5. I would like to create a tool which reuuses a bunch of xnode code by placing the ability vis relative to a new xnode. Just like the xnode manager does, except i can't seem to find the code for that, its in an llb format.

    I can't find the method which can change the abilitis vi's reference to the xnode, anyone? Thanks~!:rolleyes:

  6. How do you gain access to that private method?

    I tried


    in my ini file, but when i created an invoke node which was connected to the GObject, the only method i found was

    SetHeapDocModForObject and Object Highlight.

  7. Yes, this is exactly what you would have to do. That's the only mechanism that exists.

    Is there any way to customize labview so that you can double click on any object and it would show the value of an existing tag for the object? It would be much easier to identify an object this way . Then i could just write a unique tag value to each object...

  8. So how am i supposed to get the refnum of the tunnel for these vis? I was hoping there was some easy method of clicking an object and setting the tag while im in the edit mode for the vi. I dont want to do this from scripting, it is a static template after all, but it sounds almost like i would have to change the tag of the object using a script which accessed the vi, somehow found the tunnel references, and then called the get tag/set tag methods using the refnums?

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