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Posts posted by RyanR

  1. I am trying to control an "Analogue Modules: Laser Flashlamp Controller" through RS232. The attached manual contains the "serial interface specifications" but typing commands in exactly as stated does not produce the desired results. As seen on page 13 of the manual (15 for the pdf) the command format is:

    $name ##cr

    I have tried sending my commands in the "Basic Serial Read and Write" vi and in NI MAX by going to the COM port my device is in and clicking "communicate with instrument" and typing commands in the "send string" box and pressing "query". This device is rather dangerous so I have been trying the non operational commands such as reading parameters and changing settings, but never trying to run the device. I have had no luck with either. Two commands I have tried are:

    $MODE ?cr

    $MODE 4cr

    and variations of them:

    $mode ?cr

    $mode ?0Dh


    There have been a couple of issues that lead me to believe sending and receiving are happening, but I am just not giving the device commands it understands. For instance:

    Page 14 of the manual states "AMI" is emitted after start up until the device receives a $. When I turn the device on I receive AMI multiple times in the "read string" of the above stated methods for communicating , but once I type a command (such as the ones above) with a $ as the leading character it stops reading AMI.

    Another reason is that upon start up, the device displays a caution message until a button is pressed (or apparently a command is sent via RS232) - see the bottom of page 3 in the manual. When I send the first command to the device it has the same effect as pressing a button in that it clears the caution message and brings me to the main menu.

    9600 baud, 8 bits, parity=none, and 1 stop bit have been selected as stated in the manual.

    I am not good with RS232 command protocol, and I have had the issue before that the proper command display format is necessary - e.g "Normal Display", " \ Codes Display", "Password Display", and "Hex Display". Also, I believe sometimes the cr (and other parts) of the "$name ##cr" actually stand for something else (e.g. \n\r) and that is what is suppose to be sent - not the cr itself. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    Thanks for any help.

  2. Thanks for all the help everyone. I got it working today. The device pinouts were totally unconventional, which would not let the straight rs232 or null modem cables to work properly. I ended up going to radio shack and making my own.

    For all those helping with the commands, the proper string does look like "\1B040\n\r" as you all figured out.

    Thanks again.

  3. For the cable issue: I am using the NI USB-232/4 which is a 4 port hub for RS232 to 1 usb. As stated on the website http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/14583 there is "DTE and DCE transceiver modes with automatic transceiver detection eliminates null modem cables" This should eliminate that problem, correct?

    For the contacting JDSU issue: I have, and it took me over a week to get the following reponse to similar questions I've posted here: " We don’t/won’t provide any additional control program. The section on computer control states that control may be accomplished by sending specific ASCII strings through the RS232 port. This requires that the user write or have available a program that may accomplish this." Needless to say I have sought out different avenues to solve this problem before I take on the burden of getting any help out of them.

    Lastly, referring to my earlier post that I believed the write processes were occuring without error: I attempted a loop-back test http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3450 which was successful. I am than left with the question, how do I trouble shoot if my device interprets the command properly, or if it is even sending commands to be read by the computer - how do I test these?

  4. After trying to write "\1B040\n\r" in both the vi and the "test" tab of "communicate with instrument" in MAX I still am not receiving any indication of a response. The writing process seems to be working fine as the indicator lights on the USB-232/4 are flashing the sequence indicative of a write (and I receive no errors in either test). How do I troubleshoot if the write command is actually received by the instrument, and also if I am properly reading what the instrument returns. What should I expect as a response in the "Basic Serial Write and Read.vi"?

    On the issue of whether spaces should be included, if I type "\1B 0 4 0 \n\r" in the write buffer, once I click out of it to run the vi, the '\' codes display automatically changes it to "\1B\s0\s4\s0\s\n\r"

    I believe all the parameters are entered correctly (baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bits) as I have entered them as directed on page 32 of the manual. However, the manual includes "duplex: Full" which the vi does not, and the vi includes "flow control" ( which I have set to none) which the manual does not mention - do these matter?

  5. I am trying to control a laser head (M126N-1064-500 from JDSU) with the basic serial write/read vi labview provides in its examples. The device communicates with RS232, which I have plugged into a 4 port RS232 to USB hub from NI (Part #: USB-232/4). The RS232 is connected into port1 of the hub, and shows up as com3 in NI MAX. The manual for the device is attached, and has information on how to enter commands. I am fairly good with labview, but I have no experience or understanding of how to enter proper commands or what parameters must be met to properly control RS232 devices.

    The attachments are as follows:

    NPRO_M125-6_User_Manual - User manual for laser head and control box

    S3010080 - Back of the laser control box

    Untitled - screen shot which shows two attempts. The left side shows the command I entered that when run produced no response. The right side

    shows the error produced by pressing the query button in an NI MAX test.

    Can someone please help me (1) determine if I have made an error in the connection or parameter settings that would prevent communication, (2) show me the proper input of a command (examples are in manual but I can't get them to do anything), and (3) offer other advice I may be neglecting.


    post-17443-054416800 1287168819_thumb.jp

    post-17443-043279800 1287168829_thumb.jp

  6. I need to control 12 RS232/serial instruments with a labtop computer, which lacks any serial input or option for a pci card. The instruments operating manual has given me a great deal of information I can use for the NI Visa comands, which I plan to use, and for additional reasons, this is the only computer I will be able to use. I have thought of one possible solution, by taking a RS232/pci hub ( http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/207740 ), and putting it in a pci expansion chassis that could connect via usb to my labtop.

    I was wondering however, will the computer, and specifically labview's MAX, interpret these instruments as RS232/serial ports. There is a lot of stuff (pci/usb/...) in between and I am not sure how this will effect my detecting the instruments, and reading and writing commands to them.

    Thanks for any help/suggestions you can give.

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