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Posts posted by ckis

  1. Hello,

    I'm actually fighting with a similar problem. I need to develop my software in Labview 8.0 on a Kubuntu system but the target system is Suse Linux Enterprise 10.0. I want to use .labviewrc to force appFont, systFont and dialogFont to the same font that of course needs to be installed on both systems.

    Unfortunately I ran into different problems:

    - I copied the new font to ~/.fonts on Kubuntu, did fc-cache and checked the system settings: the font is available, but Labview doesn't know it in its font list anyway (even after logging out, even after reboot). So my question: where does Labview get this font list?

    - many items in the font list are grayed out, so I guess they are not available on the system. But once again, where do those items come from?

    - many of the available items fall back to a fixed font. How is this possible if the font is correctly installed?

    - many of the available items are really messed up. Again: how is this possible if the font is correctly installed?

    - If I try a font available on both systems it still looks different, exept for the fixed fallback font.

    Does anybody have an idea, what else I could check out? Or am I just pushing it too hard when I want to run Labview 8.0 on Kubuntu?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

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