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Marijan B

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    LabVIEW 2009
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  1. As can be seen from the image, I've put in the Property Node and set both the Termination Character Enable and the Suppres End Enable to TRUE. It works! I feel there is still something fishy, though not sure what. But, nevermind, it works . One more question: is it neccessary to have VISA Clear function? Thank you all for your advices.
  2. Here is the image of the block diagram. Drivers have been created by using VISA Driver wizard because MAX couldn't recognize the instrument with original drivers installed. Maybe that is the issue. For acccess mode on VISA Open I tried Load Configured Settings but nothing changed. Also, tried byte count from 1024 to 8192. Wait function is here to give the instrument some time before reading. You have to run this code three time before it gives the correct string in the read buffer. I am sorry, but I don't know what does "addressable"mean and couldn't find any reference on "address" in the manuals.
  3. Hi! During the writing of a simple program to test SCPI commands for my instrument, I stumbled on a puzzle. When I send the *IDN? command and afterwards try to read the response, the string I get is ยด1. If I do it again, response is the same. Only after the third reading do I get the serial number of the instrument. The same thing happens when using MAX test control panel. The instrument is HM1508-2 (oscilloscope from Hameg), it is connected over USB. I use VISA Open, Write, Read, Clear and Close functions. What could be the problem and how can I make the program get the correct response every time? I can post a picture of block diagram. Thank you.
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