Hey Jim,
Thanks again for you're help. I'm trying to create an array of clusters that dynamically changes size as data is collected. Unfortunately, I've been having difficulty doing this because in order to have the variables named for Matlab, I need to use the "insert into array" block which means that I need an array to insert the blocks into (otherwise the program won't run). The only way I have been able to do this is by using an Array constant. In doing so, I am required to initialize every element in the array, which can be very tedious for large sets of data. I attached a sample VI that might give you some idea of what I'm trying to do. As a simplified model I basically want to create an array of clusters, where each cluster contains a string and a value. In the VI, I don't bother changing the string value (its just there to lend to the cluster) but I would like the element in each cluster to reflect the value of iteration. I have some background in programming ( a semester in C and two in Java, with the Java being more recent) so if you need to get a little technical i should be able to understand. Additionally, I realize that clusters are meant to reflect C's structures, and in C you can't dynamically change the size of an array, but I've seen that it can be done in LabVIEW. Clearly an array constant will have a constant size, so I guess if you can figure a way around this I would love to know. Thanks again for all of your help, I would not have been able to get this far without you.