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Status Updates posted by crelf

  1. Openg & LAVA CR - Should we seperate source & compile? http://tinyurl.com/3kexzgb

  2. OpenG to the rescue! Programmatically Write/Read control and indicator values to/from human-readale file - http://tinyurl.com/3jgl7cs

  3. Our members tell us why a LAVA Premium Membership just makes sense for them and the #labview community: http://tinyurl.com/4o6v2kd

  4. Over 170 people! ;-) RT @JeffreyHabets @lavag bbq, seems like a record atendance just like #NIWeek http://t.co/gdSAvlGP

  5. Passwords Removed From LVOOP Scripting Tools! http://bit.ly/cWU7GI

  6. Past and Present @NIWeek exhibitors - Share your experiences on Lead retrieval: http://t.co/YjD9R7Bh

  7. Performance testing and #labview charts/graphs: http://tinyurl.com/2fd4asb

  8. Philosophical Discussion: "Is LabVIEW a "pure" dataflow language?" Join in: http://tinyurl.com/3nbx3rn

  9. Please fix this @NI - Exploding #labview TypeDefs http://t.co/kq3txHkB

  10. Please kudos a LAVA member's VIServer.IPAddress.Get idea! http://t.co/Dj7i6HfC

  11. Please RT: Finding @lavag tweets useful? Tell your friends a colleagues to follow us too! More info at http://tinyurl.com/25ecxd7

  12. Please RT! The easiest way to monitor lavag.org's health: http://tinyurl.com/25ecxd7

  13. Please RT! The LAVA Code Repository & LabVIEW Wiki have undergone big changes - learn more here: http://tinyurl.com/49m6fg8 #labview

  14. Poll: How do you typically set the values of an error cluster? Vote now! http://tinyurl.com/4d2szlm

  15. Poll: what's your most-used datetime stamp format? http://t.co/GdAzABfS

  16. Power User Thread: Moving the Contents of One Diagram to Another using #labview Scripting: http://t.co/uv26jytG

  17. Programmatically accessing the NI-DAQmx.ini file from #labview: http://t.co/kFeprJxk

  18. Programmatically resetting a graph's datain #labview: http://t.co/AHrvSfgT

  19. Queue References in Functional Globals - good practice? http://t.co/gHaYpFuj #labview

  20. QuickAccess: Utility to improve development time inspired by quickdrop: http://bit.ly/h5QjWE

  21. Reminder: check out VIRegister - download & discuss: http://t.co/6efugCpC

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