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Status Updates posted by crelf

  1. #labview RIO - where exactly is the bitstream stored? http://t.co/qUDhykL4

  2. Find all #labview Vis executing at the top level, *including* clones - download & discuss: http://t.co/p1O5c2i7

  3. Do you use Mecurial and #labview? You NEED this! A Mecurial SCC project provider for #labview - download & discuss: http://t.co/TzbzUpMR

  4. Hot Topic: Data I/O w .NET WebBrowser Client - http://t.co/STKIAepk

  5. Interpreting the #labview VI Modification Bitset: http://t.co/JYAsYwxf

  6. Reminder: check out VIRegister - download & discuss: http://t.co/6efugCpC

  7. Comparing #labview with Microsoft's Visual Programming Language: http://t.co/6sIWhhV6

  8. Help professional #labview advance: get involved in the API Design Movement: http://t.co/50XG0JGG

  9. Distributing base and upgrade versions of your #labview applications: http://t.co/48WAqz6I

  10. Where do you put your #labview application's settings? http://t.co/fJJpx26j

  11. Get involved! Help build a Project Management tool for LabVIEW - http://t.co/kcX3ZI58

  12. Working with #labview OS.OpenDocument Events in #labview - download & discuss: http://t.co/ue8k9fcr

  13. Why to 4th Generation Languages like #labview store Booleans as bytes? http://t.co/7iBrrX1f

  14. Hot Topic: Exporting a subset of methods in a class for distribution - discuss: http://t.co/VGMxxn7y

  15. Hot Topic: the #labview heavy weights weigh in on how big your #labview block diagrams should be: http://t.co/cWNr9Th7

  16. A #labview debugging overview call stack - a good idea? Discuss: http://t.co/eNtTcgZT

  17. What's going on @ni ?!? You're missing a target audience! http://t.co/nCdPEUgp @labview

  18. [Team LAVA] UI Tools is now Compatible with #LabVIEW http://t.co/pAqubB3a

  19. Are you a #FIRST mentor? Link up with other lava members! http://t.co/0XdfMBAP

  20. Looking for a challenge? Help this lavag member convert a QMH+LV2 Globals #labview application to the Actor Framework: http://t.co/lf0l2myr

  21. Hot Topic: Are *you* misusing the Not A Refnum function and putting your #labview app at risk? http://t.co/jgedCaoA

  22. Great advice from LAVA members on getting started with OO in #labview: http://t.co/irSc6kcb

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