Hi lavas,
I was creating a user login system using usernameand password, but there something less with the functions. Here belowdescription of the system.
User should using an admin account (username:admin/password:123456)to login at the first time.
When the user was login and stand as adminposition, user panel will appear and display 3 buttons which add, delete and view.
When addbutton selected, add user panel will appear and display 2 empty string controlswhich username and password. To add other user, he/she just insertusername/password that they want, press add user button, those data will automaticallyinserted into the table and user admin will back to user panel.
When deletebutton selected, delete user panel will appear and display 2 empty stringcontrols which username and password. To delete other user, he/she just insertusername/password that they want, press delete user button, those data will automaticallydeleted from the table and user admin will back to user panel. But IF username/password is not relevantwith table’s data, message box will appear (telling that username/passwordinserted are not available) and the string control will be empty.
When viewbutton selected, user list panel will appear and show user table where usernameand password are stored. This table is readable-only. Press done and user adminwill back to user panel.
When it done with editing user account, theuser admin can log out and try to login with other user account. The usernameand password inserted for authentication will be match with the data inside theuser table. Message box will be appearing to notify user IF username andpassword are wrong.
Username/password cannot be empty. IF username/passwordis empty and login button pressed, message box will appear (telling that pleaseinsert your username or password).
Hopeanyone may solve this.
Thank you.