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Everything posted by Macr0phag3

  1. Hi all, I'm new to lab view as well as this forum. I'm having trouble figuring out what I need to interface labview with either an off the shelf linear stage or a DC motor. From what I understand, there are primarily 3 options for DC motors: 1. DC motor with an encoder bought from a place like maxon 2. DC Stepper motor with an encoder 3. DC Servo I realize that there's a fine line between DC motor with encoder and DC servo as in the case of the servo, closed loop pid control is done on the servo its self. What is needed to interface the motor or linear stage to lab view? Does lab view use RS-232 to communicate to the motor drivers? Do I need to purchase a motor driver from lab view? What would I need to interface this 450mm Linear Slide to labview? Once it is interfaced, I want to use labview to control the rotation of motor inherently controlling the position of the linear slide Thanks
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