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Posts posted by spKalanga

  1. If you get rid of the imaqUSB.llb (usb is has been supported in MAX since V2009) you can just include the MAX configuration in the installer.

    USB Camera Error


    Hi Shaun,

    I can find my USB camera in MAX, But if i try to stop the grab in max after caputuring the image the total MAX gets closed. the same thing is happening in LabView also( whenever i call the USB close.vi function). whether this is camera issue or i have to do some other thing. please give your ideas. (I am using Mightex USB camera).



  2. If you get rid of the imaqUSB.llb (usb is has been supported in MAX since V2009) you can just include the MAX configuration in the installer.

    USB Camera Error


    Thanks Shaun,

    I tried that one. But while accessing the USB cam from MAX after grab if i want to stop the CAM and moving for some other things in MAX means the MAX is completely closed. i tried with LabVIEW code also. It is running with out any error but after running the code when coming to the Close camera function the total labview gets closed. I dont know whether this is the Problem with Camera(im using Mightex USB camera) or NI.

    Thanks in Advance,


    The 'Advanced' page of the installer properties allows you to specify an executable to run after the installer completes. In the past I've used this feature to lauch the 3rd party installers. (I create a small .exe in my project which gets placed in the TempFolder by the installer. After the NI stuff gets installed this temp.exe runs and calls the 3rd party installers located on my install CD.)

    It's certainly not perfect but it usually works for me.

    Thanks Dan,

    You gave a good idea. i will try with that. Im using seperate NI library for USB camera "Imaq USB.llb". whether i should add this library with installer to run my application or no need?.

    Thanks in Advance,


  3. Thanks CAT,

    Ok, i can install external drivers manually. But the "imaq_usb_installer_setup.exe" and "imaqUSB.llb" and all how can i add with installer? Is there any options to make it in installer itself otherwise i have to install it seperately.....

    Thanks in Advance,


  4. Hi all,

    I am using LabVIEW 2009 with vision development module. i have developed the code for my application. im using Mightex USB camera. I need to create the Installable, apart from Labview run time engine and Vision run time engine. I need to install Mightex drivers, imaq_usb_installer_setup.exe and imaqUSB.llb. how can i link these things with my installer to create the perfect installable for my application.

    Thanks in Advance,


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