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Posts posted by ryannorthington

  1. As already mentioned, snippets are too basic for architectural reuse, but there's also already many other more appropriate places for this type of reuse that's more targeted (things that ship with LabVIEW, OpenG, ni.com, LAVA, etc - ppl can alreay post snippets. VIs, zips, vipcs, etc there, so why give them a new place where they can only post one tyep?). I'm trying not be negative, but I think that the addition of a new site would just mean that I need to search another place for something I'm looking for.

    This is the problem I am addressing. We share code on forums, FTP, email, dropbox, NI forums, dev zone ... etc. Between all of those places I now have lost my snippets of code that I consider useful. This tool would obviously not be for everyone as mentioned earlier where a couple Engineers just don't use snippets that much.

    This is also a prototype ... it could be expanded to host different types of files all pertaining to LabVIEW. Snippets are easy to create, and it is very easy to display an image on a web site so it was a natural choice. And they are fast and easy to share. I have many more features that I would love to implement to make the site more useful and feel like a central place to organize and share snippets with others. You make many good points though.

  2. Am I suppose to be able to drag and drop from a browser to my diagram? Can't seem to do it. I'm using Chrome.

    Chrome, Firefox and Safari treats images differently than IE. When you drag to the block diagram you will just get a URL where IE will let you drag the raw image data from the browser. This is not a limitation of the snippet that can be fixed (that I'm aware of) so the work around is to drag to the desktop then the block diagram. I have confirmed this behavior in chrome, safari and firefox running windows 7.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Love vishots.com BTW.

  3. These are fantastic responses. Thank you all for the information. The reason I ask is because I was creating a snippet the other day and thought it would be neat to have a site dedicated to organizing, storing and sharing snippets.

    I created a quick prototype: VI Snippets

    Any interest in such a tool? What if there was integration with LabVIEW to save and upload to a site like this?

    It is based on gist.github.com ... a popular site for sharing "snippets" of text based code.

    Thanks for the feedback. If there is enough interest then I'll keep developing it and see where it goes.

    Disclaimer: This site is not currently affiliated with NI and not every feature works (like sharing, favoriting or public profiles).

  4. Hello LabVIEW Community.

    I'm gathering some research and would like to know the following:

    1. Do you use LabVIEW Snippets?

    2. How often do you create new snippets?

    3. How do you organize your snippets?

    Just general answers. I'm just getting a feel for how the community is using this feature.

    Thank you in advance.


  5. After looking more into URL encoding I have figured it wouldn't be that hard to start by writing the URL encoding algorithm in LabVIEW. I'm working on that now and will see if I can then move to OAuth.


    I actually just started looking at this. The OAuth Algorithm doesn't seem that complicated but the problem is calculating a signing key ... you need to be able to url_encode the key which I'm not sure if LabVIEW can do. Twitter is working on another Authentication based scheme for use with clients that cannot handle the full OAuth process.


  6. Ton,

    I actually just started looking at this. The OAuth Algorithm doesn't seem that complicated but the problem is calculating a signing key ... you need to be able to url_encode the key which I'm not sure if LabVIEW can do. Twitter is working on another Authentication based scheme for use with clients that cannot handle the full OAuth process.


    Has anyone been working on an Oauth library for LabVIEW, I browsed the specs and how-to and it doesn't seem that complicated.

    Oauth is becoming more important now that Twitter is limiting (or shutting down?) the basic authentication for API calls.

    So I was thinking about this, but couldn't find anything on Oauth and LabVIEW.

    Any experiences.


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