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Status Updates posted by ryannorthington

  1. #LabVIEW FTW ... if you are an engineer or programmer you need to watch this. http://ni.com/labview/users/control/ ... the first video.

  2. ... oh and War Damn Eagle

  3. And the power is out. Time to break out the playing cards.

  4. anyone have a good solution to import facebook contacts into basecamp without exporting to files and then importing? #basecamp #37signals

  5. anyone know of any good blogs about the mobile market ... hardware, software, consumer, enterprise??

  6. Does anyone miss "Surge" ... the drink. I just had a craving.

  7. Does anyone use CD's anymore? For music?

  8. Headed to new York...excited about the adventure that is finding a parking garage

  9. Huntsville Utilities says power restoration is slower than expected, some electricity may be back Monday night | al.com http://t.co/Z9i1cZA

  10. I really don't want to get my car fixed today ... #notproductive

  11. I've decided to sync my xmas lights to "I'm bringing sexy back"

  12. Im craving a beef and cheddar for dinner.

  13. Is it already Friday...it feels like Tuesday

  14. is it so hard to understand that customer service/experience is a key part in making a successful business ... I'm looking at you Wal-Mart.

  15. Its a good day when my customers make me wear hair nets.

  16. Just cancelled dish network. It was surprisingly painless. Going with a hulu/netflix combo.

  17. Power is on. #TVA you are the bomb dot com

  18. somewhere along the way I picked up the habit of randomly capitalizing words in my emails. Engineer and Presentation are examples.

  19. Teaching #labview and #crio today ... come out and do science!

  20. The city is very dark. This must be what the beginning of the apocolypse looks like.

  21. The power goes out and everyone goes outside. There is a tornado out there !

  22. This person does not have a girlfriend ... http://blogs.scienceforums.net/swansont/archives/8444 ... THIS IS FREAKING COOL

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