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Everything posted by fifa

  1. Hi, Can anyone help me to design a VI that can be used to show how the voltage rises across a capacitor in a simple RC circuit when excited by a step function. The output from the VI will consist of two plots displayed on one XY graph. One plot will be the input wave Vin = Eu(t) (V) displayed from t = -10 (ms) to T1 (ms) The second plot will be the voltage across the capacitor VC = E(1 – e -t/RC) displayed from t = 0 to t = T1 (ms) The VI will run continuously allowing all inputs to be varied. The inputs to the VI will perform the following functions: 1. Set the number of points for the VC plot, default 100. 2. Set the final time T1 in (mS) default 50 (mS). 3. Set the resistor value in (Ω) default 500 (Ω). 4. Set the capacitor value in (μF) default 20 (μF). 5. Set the height of the input step function default 10(V). The outputs from the VI will display the following: 1) The Time Constant T = R.C 2) The two plots on an XY graph as specified above.
  2. Hi Crossrulz, I've tried many times and I also ended up with 1s for the elements and many more other numbers, but I still could'nt get it right. So I am still strugling to get the right results. Anyway tanks a lot for what you've done
  3. Hi, Thanks for your reply here is the one saved in version 8.6 LabviewQ2.vi
  4. Hi I have made some change on the circuit the way it suppose to work but I still can not get the number of elements less than 1 for each index where values less than 1 starts. I have Attached the modified VI. I only need the number of elements for each thin patch. it sould look like this:Index 13 ------- 5 elements Index 46 ------- 5 elements Index 61 ------- 4 elements I will appreciate for any help LabviewQ2.vi
  5. Ok that's fine now. Thanks for helping me out
  6. Hi jcarmody, Thanks for your reply. I checked your VI and I realised that there is a missing count. if you have a look again you'll see that it miss a count from 13 to 16 instead to 17, from 46 to 49 instead to 50 and from 61 to 63 insteady to 64 I tried to make some changes to get it right with no success. Do you think it's ok the way it looks?
  7. Hi, Can anyony help me to design a VI that will be capable of detecting and displaying the start index and the length of each thin patch. (Thin values are numbers of successive elements less than 1). Attached is a sample data to be used. Sample%20Data%2011.vi
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