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Michael ten Den

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    LabVIEW 2009
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. What shall I do today? Ah offcourse, LabVIEW

  2. TDMS format is too big. Then I need lots of disk space.
  3. Thanks for your respons, only thats not exactly what I ment. I want the executable to get the path of the .dat file and open it.
  4. Hi everybody, I'm acquiring data and saving that on my disk as .dat. Now I want to later open and analyse the data. So I'm busy with writing a VI thats read the .dat file. The VI is going to be a .exe file. This results in that I can set all my .dat files to that executable. The problem is: When I run my .exe, it still want me to select the .dat file I want to open. But I want it to read the path of the .dat file i'm opening Hopes my problem is clear ____________ Michael ten Den
  5. Thank you rolfk, The VI already crashes when it is opened. I store all my SubVI's in a project. So I expect it would not be a incorrupted subVI, but I don't know that. So I'm going to try some stuff with it. Lucky I had a backup. But from 2 days earlier. This problem shows that you can do a lot in 2 days
  6. Thanks, going to check it out
  7. You mean that it can be a problem in one of my subVI's? Because my main program, where the error occured, no longer works and opens. ____________ Michael ten Den
  8. I was busy to program a program that reads from UDP CAN messages. When I hitted the run button, LabVIEW crashed. I had the error: "LabVIEW 10.0 Development System werkt niet meer" (English: "LabVIEW 10.0 Development System doesn't work anymore".) LabVIEW 10 coudn't find a solution for this, so it quitted. I restarted LabVIEW and opened my VI and the same error occurred. I can still open everything and my project in LabVIEW, but not my VI. I tried on another PC and it still doesn't work. Luckely I have backup, but how to avoid for a next time this problem. Has somebody experience with this problem? *Sorry if I putted this topic in wrong section. ____________ Michael ten Den
  9. Thank you for the respons. I have a 1 kHz sample rate, but maybe its smarter to save that and only show 100 Hz or something like that. Because if their is a peak, it will also be showed with lower rate. Or I maybe smarter to build a hysterese so if it get higher than a value it will give me the 1 kHz in an other chart I'm now saving my files as .DAT file. I build a .DAT reader so I can open my data after measurement. But saving to a text file will maybe be better. I just have to see it yet. Unfortunaly I'm a windows user ____________ Michael ten Den
  10. Thank you Antoine, I know the solution now, thx. ____________ Michael ten Den
  11. My fault. I chosed the file, but forgot to press 'Attach this file'. ____________ Michael ten Den
  12. Hello, I have indent 3 items under 1 item and when I select that 1 item, I want to have automaticly selected the tree indented items. (see attachment) Its for a graph, So I can display them together or seperated. This is for 3 indent items, but I have also 2 items with both 18 indent items under them. ____________ Michael ten Den
  13. Ok, but do I have to buffer lastest data of every ID in a different buffer, or is there a better solution?
  14. I have now 4 while loops running: - Continue receive and transmit CAN messages in/to queue - Consumer loop, initialize, read the CAN message from queue and put them in the right array, a display case for my front panel update, and a few several items - producer loop, time out 1 ms, sends 'read' in to consumer loop, update display, send CAN message and stop event - Datalogging loop, save every 10 secs all arrays in same file and create every 5 min a new map for the data I thought that put the messages first in arrays will be easier for me to plot in on my front panel and save it. Apparently it isn't the right way. @ superS-5 I will build a disable script for the ID's I don't want to measurement at that time, but can't delete them because they will be necessary for other test. Thanks @ ShaunR I assume you mean direct logging to a file instead of array? But how to plot it then? Some additional information: - The program has to run several hours - The x-as will be max. 5 minutes, what continous with the time. - Sample rate of 3 pot. meters, 1 kHz. It's not all clear to me right now what the best reliable methode is. ____________ Michael ten Den
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