I appreciate all of the suggestions. I just wanted to check back in and let all of you know that due to the end of year crunch at my office, I have not had a chance to look at this program any more. I will try to get into it next week and post back up.
Thanks for the direction. I have only been messing with this for a couple of hours. I was seeing a single point, centered with the data ranges across X and Y. Tried connecting, the dots. No luck. I will try the SR. That may be the ticket. I need to see the 'knee' where the voltage rolls off at the specified current level.
I will give this a try and report back.
Thanks again!
Thanks Mike. I guess a better description is that I want it to scroll the data points across like the chart below. I am wanting to plot the sample of the Voltage readings from the meter on the Y axis and plot the Current readings on the X axis. My goal is to display the point that the voltage folds back when the current limit is reached.
I have found the XY graph but I am trying to chart Voltage on the X axis and Current on the Y axis. The XY Graph just displays points but does not chart. Any ideas?
I had to swap out an AC source in a test rack. My program has 240 separate calls to this device. Is there a batch method to 'replace all' with the new instrument driver? I know that I can right click and replace each instance but I was hoping there was a quick and easy way to do it.
Thanks Rolf. I wouldn't think that you would need the entire bulky 488 and VISA packages on a computer that you are not doing any development with. I know that with CVI, the standalone executables are pretty skinny and they include all of the support modules required to run. I don't understand why NI cant do the same with LabView.
I put an indicator on the duplicate VISA output on each device and they display the correct addresses.
Is it possible that I am missing something in the 'compile'?
I did try to run NI Spy on the slave computer and I do not see any GPIB activity. The commands show up fine on the development computer.
More info... When looking at the software config on MAX, I do not see VISA. I assumed that it was loaded with the installer. No?
Thanks for the tips. I will try that tomorrow when I get back to work.
One concern that I had was that I found out the test PC was not logged in as administrator. Logged it in as admin and re-tried loading the installer. Still didn't work. Went to remove programs and removed all NI references and plan to start over in the morning.
Here is the sequence that I used: Loaded RTE, loaded GPIB (488), loaded installer.
When you create the application, there is a check box beside load RTE. Why doesn't it load automatically when you check that box?
Thanks again.
Thanks. I am only using three devices besides the USB-GPIB interface. In my program, they are addressed as GPIB0::16, GPIB0::18, and GPIB0::19 in the VISA constant.
Seems simple enough to me, just can't get it to run the devices.
First time creating a Standalone Executable with LabView 7.1. Went through the steps in the app builder. Created the .exe and loaded it on the test PC. Needed RTE. Loaded that. The app ran but did not see the USB-GPIB interface. Loaded that. MAX now sees all of my devices. Program runs but does not access devices. Burned up 4 CDRs so far, what am I missing?