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Posts posted by LMartin

  1. Simple: Disable the "Allow user to Close" setting in the VI settings dialog.

    More Involved: Add the VI->Panel Close? filter event to your event structure and pass TRUE to discard,

    but terminate your event handling loop anyhow to return to the caller.


    It behaves as I expected.

    Hope It won't bring me unsought behaviour,

    which depends on how I program my needs.

    Thanks again.

  2. Hy guys,

    I just noticed one thing in my program, when a VI call an other VIs (Under-VIs).

    The calling VI runs when I quit by the stop button, then the calling VI continue his program.

    But when I stop by clicking on the red button (cross) on the title bar to stop my VI,

    It's not running anymore (Like it's still waiting for the called vi response)

    I've checked on window apearence, I whish I could keep it Modal in a first time,

    But How can I handled this kind of exiting an under-VI ?

    Thanks to all.

  3. At least I know one wrong way.

    I'm trying to workaround.

    Thanks François!

    "Edit mode" refers to the fact that you can only script an object while a VI is in Idle state.

    You can create an indicator or control on the front panel of a VI that is not running. For example, a VI cannot execute code to add a control on its own front panel.

  4. Hi guys,

    I'm tring to create programmatically some Picture2D indicators to display different pictures,

    then again create some indicators on which I could get from a "click down" event, and set some values to them using their refs.

    I've tried with VI Scripting, and by invoke node from VI ref, "Create from reference" (which seems to run only in edit mode).

    don't know what edit mode serves but I know that it's not what i'm looking for.

    I came here so, to look for help. Any clue would be nice.

    Thanks again !

  5. Hi guys,

    I would like, to add a row to a Multicolumn Listbox programmatically, to put a new row at the top of the list (but it can be anywhere).

    I've checked in the property node, and in invoke node, but none of them offer a node which enable to add a new row.

    Is there a way to do that, like when the .vi is stopped? ('cause the said function i'm talking about can be meet, by

    right clicking on the multicolumn box, and it just moving down the values, and their BackGroung color, "What i am looking for").

    Thanks to any suggestion.


  6. Hi guys,

    I'm looking for a way to get from an array of:

    - Sec

    - Min

    - Hour

    - Day

    - Month

    - Year

    To an indicator on the front panel which type is a Time Stamp.

    Does someone know how to get there ?

    I've tried to use these timing function:

    - Seconds To Date/Time and To time stamp,

    but it's only taking the first parameter and changing only the second ?

    If someone has an idea, or an advice, where to look for?

    Thanks to anyhelp

  7. Hi,

    Thanks, for the reply I didn't know about this event,

    But it's like the Multicolumn Listbox can not be editable at run time,

    as you will see in the attach vi,

    i've wired the "Allow editting cell" property to a constant true,

    but it's not working.

    May be i did it wrong or it's just impossible,

    Trying to find out, but it still trying hard, even on a valentine day. :frusty:

    Thanks again for your help, I'll be pleased to get this matter resolved.

    An MCL is an I32 and a table is a 2D string. Text is added to an MCL programmatically through the property "ItemNames". The MCL event "EditCell?" will allow you to read the selected cell and discard if not correct.


  8. Hi Guys,

    I would like to use a Multicolumn Listbox, but it's trying hard.

    What I want to do is to double-clic on a cell, get his position,

    and allow the user to edit it or not, according to the position.

    I've notice that it can two kind of type: String or I32,

    - Is there a way to switch between theese two type?

    plus when it's define as a string, I don't have the "Allow edit cell" property, like when it's a I32 type.

    - Is there a way to do that when the type is a String ?

    - Or is a way to get the Selection Start property when is an I32 ?

    Thanks for any feedback!


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