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Posts posted by NormL

  1. I think a simple option would be to use USB to RS232 adapters on both ends, and I may have to resort to that. What I'd really like to do is avoid the adapters. To provide a bit more background into my problem, the device would just be spitting data over the USB. It has no vendor ID or product ID - it's even more "raw" than USB RAW.

  2. I just found this forum, and hope you can help me out. This is my first post, so please be gentle...

    I am developing a device that interfaces between a sensor and a host PC. The device will digitize the sensor signal and send it to the host running a LabVIEW VI (which I also need to develop). I'd like to use USB to transfer the data, and had some questions:

    Can I use the USB as a general purpose serial bus, similar to RS232, to just dump data from the device to the host, sending a few bytes at a time?

    Assuming the above is possible, what's the best way to read the data? LabVIEW has a few USB VIs, but I'm not having much success figuring them out.

    The interface device has a PIC18F4550 microcontroller, which has a built-in USB controller. I'd really prefer to use USB to save space, and because the data rate could get fairly high for RS232. However I'm beginning to feel this is a fool's errand, and I should just cut my losses and go with RS232.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks - Norm Lind

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