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Posts posted by j_o

  1. Hello to Everyone.

    This is my first post however I'm reader of LAVA for quite long time.

    I've searched forum (and few more places) on the problem I have but I haven't found any answer.

    I have two computers: A and B.

    On computer A I have an application that uses VI Server to call a VI (remote.vi) on computer B. Is there any way to obtain IP of the caller (computer A) inside remote.vi?

    Call Chain function in remote.vi returns "remote.vi.ProxyCaller" as a caller of vi, but reference to this VI cannot be opened.

    There is method of VI Remote Panel:Client Connections that seems to be exactly what I need but for Remote Panels. I couldn't find anything similar for VI Server calls.

    I would appreciate any hint or idea. Thanks.

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