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Everything posted by eric_lmi

  1. Hi I am trying to use VISA to read the raw data from a USB dev board (Analog Devices ADISUSBZ). but always get below errors "BFFF003A Unable to start operation because setup is invalid." the vi code attached below, VISA Open running successfully, but when call VISA Write or Read Function, it always get below error VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF003A) Unable to start operation because setup is invalid (due to attributes being set to an inconsistent state). the system i used. Win 7(also tried win xp,same error), labview 2009, VISA Driver 5.02(also tried 5.03, same error message) also tried the VISA USB Demo vi USB RAW - Bulk.vi, also get the same error So i did another test using Measurement & Automation Explorer what I did. 1) uninstalled and deleted the origanl USB driver for ADISUSBZ 2) plugin ADISUSBZ USB Dev board, windows see a unknown device, using VISA Driver Wizard to create a USB driver inf file for ADISUSBZ 3) installed the new driver which VISA Driver Wizard created, restarted computer, ADISUSBZ is identified and loaded with VISA USB driver. also showing "This device is working properly." 4) Run Measurement & Automation Explorer, in the Devices and Interfaces list, I can see that USB device which is the ADISUSBZ. but the name is Unkown USB0::0x0456::0xEF02::NI-VISA-40002::RAW (the VID PID tell me, it is the ADISUSBZ USB Dev board) 5) Open VISA Test panel -> View All Settable Attributes, I got below data, where VI_ATTR_USB_BULK_IN_STATUS = -1 (not active???) VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE = 2000 VI_ATTR_MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH = 50 VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR = 0x0A VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN = VI_FALSE VI_ATTR_IO_PROT = 1 VI_ATTR_SUPPRESS_END_EN = VI_FALSE VI_ATTR_USB_MAX_INTR_SIZE = 1 VI_ATTR_USB_CTRL_PIPE = 0x0000 VI_ATTR_USB_BULK_OUT_PIPE = 0xFFFF VI_ATTR_USB_BULK_IN_PIPE = 0xFFFF VI_ATTR_USB_INTR_IN_PIPE = 0xFFFF VI_ATTR_USB_ALT_SETTING = 0 VI_ATTR_USB_BULK_OUT_STATUS = -1 VI_ATTR_USB_BULK_IN_STATUS = -1 VI_ATTR_USB_INTR_IN_STATUS = -1 VI_ATTR_USB_END_IN = 5 6) Basic I/O -> viRead , set count to 1 or default 1024 , execute return status is always BFFF003A I searched in error list, it says "BFFF003A Unable to start operation because setup is invalid." any idea what is wrong? help BTW, the ADISUSBZ USB board works fine, test with its own software, it is not hardware faulty Eric IMU Project.zip
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