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Posts posted by baischje

  1. I am actually already using this with the labview database connectivity tool kit. Is there another way to use this other than with the toolkit to allow me to perform database management activities? As i stated before I need to be able to export/archive databases to files which can then be reimported at will. As far as I know the connector tools does not do this.

  2. Hi all,

    This is my first post. I am trying to access some functions that are part of the MySQL management functions such as mysqldump or and and also the ability to import a sql file to a database. Additionally, I need to be able to create a new database. As far as I can tell, you cannot perform these functions using the database connectivity toolkit. I am wondering if anyone has used the MySQL C++ / C connector to perform advanced database functions and if so how did you add them to a VI / or use the import dll function. Thanks for your help. Any examples would be amazing.

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