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Everything posted by progor

  1. you are write - I did it
  2. Hallo, I need to write and read Global variable in test.vi knowing path of Global.vi and a variable name (level). It's simple to call dynamicaly subVi because it has conectors - how to do it with Globals :question: in attachment (LV8.5) simple example what and how I need to be done. thank's for all replays. _____ progor
  3. Hi, about the avatar - you were right, that wasn't smart... sorry It is possible to have a specific sequence loaded when the Simple LabVIEW OI is opened by using a shortcut to the TestExec.exe and appending the full path of the sequence to the target of the shortcut --> properties of shortcut --> “\OperatorInterfaces\NI\Simple\LabVIEW\TestExec.exe” “\sequence_name.seq”. I still don't know how to solve problem of loosing path after logout/login.
  4. Hello, I'm using LabVIEW 8.0, TestStand 3.5 and Simple Operator Interface. I need to have sequence file loaded after loging in, so I don't have to load the sequence file with the button OPEN_FILE. I tried to use invoke node attachted to application manager but it generates errors or nothing happened. I tried solution http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch...FF?OpenDocument but I captured empty events. Could anyone help me? Send me a print-screen or a llb-file, how to handle with ActiveX controls to solve this problem. One more thing - I need to have the same path loaded after logout/login. I know that it could be a problem, cause not everyone is using a TestStand but I guess that this is deeling with ActiveX controls issue. If anyone could help me I will be very pleased Download File:post-2324-1157009406.llb
  5. thanks. this is the idea I was searching for.
  6. Hi, could anyone give me advice how to set a case picture. if true picture A (path A), if false picture B (path B). I was trying to solve this problem but with no positive results, that's why I'm asking for help... Download File:post-2324-1131009493.vi
  7. progor

    return signal

    in loop you can use Replace with Shift Register or Replace with Feedback Node
  8. I'm going to use references in my next project... could you be more clear about the "cost"? I know that if you change anything during building your aplication you have to change it in every VI (the same situation with clusters). What about time? Are they (references, clusters) causing the program works much slower?
  9. do you still nead it? I use RS232 or LPT port to check if something is close (for egz.)... and then I pass the aplication. Download File:post-2324-1124709270.vi
  10. Yes. You do have examples "Help" --> "Find examples" in LabVIEW (try to write DAQmx in search), you also should have some more info in "Help" --> "Taking an NI-DAQ
  11. Hi. I keen on working on PCI-6221 using DAQmx. you can find everything about installing the card and creating tasks in Measurement&Automation in pdf file DAQ Quick Start Guide - you should have this document if you had installed NI-DAQ. how to create tasks dynamically you can find in examples - and how Neville sad: "It is difficult to find one-to-one correspondence for all the various combinations of DAQ processes, AI, AO, DIO, Counters/Timers, Triggering etc etc. without knowing any specifics about your application. It will take a while to convert to DAQmx, but it is worth it." progor
  12. you can find it in Help - Precedence of Operators in Formula Nodes and Expression Nodes
  13. Thanks a lot. It works now. :worship: I will be think about not making so huge arrays without cause. GoodBye
  14. Hello. I have problem with my VI - simulation of computer network. When I'm doing my simulation for too many stations (for 100 is OK, but for 1000 i have a problem) I get an error: LabVIEW: Memory is full. VI "simulation.vi" was stopped at Loop Tunnel 0xC38 of subVI "simulation.vi" It starts well, but finally my computer (only 256MB RAM, virtual memory: max=4095) is run out of memory. I need to simulate it for at least 5000 stations and 1000000 iterations. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? I will be honesty thankfull... _____ progor Download File:post-2324-1123672562.llb
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