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Posts posted by trymmelumm

  1. Hey

    I am new with labview, and I have some problem getting started with my project.

    I am trying to speed controll a treadmill using a camera that detects the runner. the runnert posistion decide if the treadmill should accelerate or de accelerate.

    the problem i have so far is the image processing.

    I have two cameras. one PS3Eye camera, and one vivotek Ip camera. none of them are working with NI Vision Assistant. (ni imaq usb drivers dont work with PS3Eye cam, and i cant find anyway to connect to the Vivotek Ip camera). So I used a activex controller to get stream from the Ip camera.

    The problem is that i now cant find any way to process the image.

    do anyone now if there is a way to process the videostream when using a activx controller?


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