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    LabVIEW 2009
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  1. Hi again! Sorry for the (very) late response. You are right, but the error message you refer to is shown first when you try to execute the broken vi. If you hold the wire tool over the broken wire, you will get the message in the original post (that isn't very helpfull). I wasn't stuborn enough, and didn't try to execute the broken vi. So i didnt see the better error message. :-) best regards
  2. Thats it. Now it works. Thank you very much! /Regards
  3. Hello! Im trying to create a data value reference to an object (of a type i created), but it seems like there is an issue with my objects that makes them incompatible with DVR. The error I get is: "You have connected to a polymorphic terminal that cannot accept this data type." I have seen many example of code using this technique, so there must be something I've done wrong. See image: (hopefully you area able to see it) Im using LV2009f3. Thanks! Best regards
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