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Urs Lauterburg

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Posts posted by Urs Lauterburg

  1. Time again for an announcement to those who wirework on Apples,

    For those of you who would like to see something a bit different from the regular NI technology sessions I would like to announce a small off-the-tracks presentation:

    How to LabVIEW in Physics Education

    I will stage a short somewhat playful presentation which illustrates the ways we incorporated LabVIEW Virtual Instrumentation to perform real world demonstration experiments of physical phenomena. Strong arguments to promote graphical programming to interface with the real world will be given along with a few selected examples of didactical demonstration experiments in physics which should be instructive and fun too.

    The presentation will start at 15:30 in Meeting Room 3 on Wednesday, Aug. 8.

    Please mark the time in your agenda. The room may be found on this map:


    On the map, look at Level 1 North/South (at the bottom) and Meeting Room 3 is in yellow. There will be signs to help direct people to the room.

    Right after this at 16:00 at the same location I would like to unite those wireworkers who prefer to work with LabVIEW on the Mac or Linux platforms with NI developers who produce hard- and software for those OSes.

    The intention is to spend about 30 minutes on brainstorm platform independent aspects and concerns along the following lines:

    1) What type of applications are we involved in?

    2) Why is MacOSX a viable foundation for LabVIEW type interfacing with the real world specifically in science and research?

    3) What types of hardware do we mostly use?

    4) What kind of support do we demand from NI ? Is it Mac/linux specific? What are the roadblocks to NI in providing this?

    5) What problems do we possibly have which are platform specific ?

    6) What are priorities?

    a) Hardware support including drivers, NIDAQmx, GPIB, Fieldpoint

    b) Software support TEDS, TDMS, Hosting shared variables

    c) Toolkits, IMAQ, Signal Analysis, PID

    d) Realtime development

    The ''LV on the Mac'' part should take about another 30 minutes until 16:30. However, we will have the room until 17:00 for personal informal talks thereafter.

    I really hope to see as many of you fellow wireworkers as possible there (Specially for the second part at 16:00 !).

    Please help to spread the message.

    Regards and happy wireworks


    Urs Lauterburg

    Physics demonstrator

    Physikalisches Institut

    University of Bern


  2. Dear platform independent LabVIEWers on LAVA,

    I'm in the process of preparing an invited presentation for this year's AAPT Summer Meeting in Greensboro NC entitled ''How to LabVIEW in Physics Education''. It's about merging LabVIEW with a playful and fun way of teaching university level physics to students of natural sciences and medicine. A small number of selected characteristic application examples in the domains of demonstration experiments, student labs and interactive simulation tools for teaching physics will be shown and discussed. Of course the presentation shall be hosted on an Apple MacBook Pro.

    After the event I drive down to Austin to attend NIWeek 07

    I am looking forward to meet many fellow wireworkers there again. I wonder if there are any of you who work with LabVIEW on the Mac attending this year's NIWeek as well and interested in a small informal get-together to exchange ideas, views and information about the types of applications we are involved in. It may also be a chance to spell out a list of demands/concerns/questions about the platform independent aspects of LabVIEW.

    If you like to be part of something along the lines above or if you know somebody who potentially is, please send me a note offline urs.lauterburg(at)space.unibe.ch and I will try to manage a suitable location for a small group during the time of the conference. Also let me know the best time/day for you to meet.

    I hope to see you in the famous Austinite summer heat again.

    Regards and happy platform independent wireworks


    Urs Lauterburg

    Physics demonstrator

    Physikalisches Institut

    University of Bern


  3. Jim,

    I use the Example Finder sometimes but mostly if I feel to be in need of an example I would browse to the examples folder to go about directly. I kind of prefer simple ways for simple tasks and am not a big fan of wizards and helper apps which are supposed to make things simpler. I mostly look for examples when starting on a new DAQ-task of a kind I have never done before. Examples can come in really handy and they are a valuable resource of LabVIEW.

    Regards and happy wireworks


  4. Hi, I'm trying to get the frequency spectrogram from a STFT, but I don't really understand how the frequency scale goes in the spectrogram. Under the default setting, the time steps are 128 and the frequency bins are 512, but that seems to give me double the correct frequency readings (150 instead of 70). If I change the frequency bins to 256, then I do get the correct frequency scale.

    Could someone please explain what frequency bins are in layman's terms, and why changing them from 512 to 256 gets me the "correct" scale and is this scale in kHz or how could I find that out? Thank you so much!


    I have found your question here more or less by accident and it's a good one. It seems as if nobody here found it interesting enough to reply. I have for a long time also wondered about the significance of this input variable to the STFT-function. I came to the conclusion that this parameter does actually not really manipulate the frequency resolution at all. If the number of frequency bins is larger than your window width then it merely introduces more frequency bins by interpolation. This mean you have more points on the plot along the frequency axis but no better resolution. It's kind of a strange parameter to me too and I usually set it equal to the window length.

    Maybe others want to comment more but looking at the actual date of your entry I don't think this will happen. Maybe it's better to post these type of question on info-labview.

    Anyway, very happy wireworks. I hope you are doing well



    Urs Lauterburg

    Physics demonstrator

    Physikalisches Institut

    University of Bern


  5. Dear LVers,

    For the wireworkers on the Mac and those interested in the topic who attend this year's NIWeek I would like to announce the session entitled ''LabVIEW and Mac OS X: State of the Union'' to be presented by my fellow compatriot Chris Salzmann from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL). The session will be in the ''Software Development Techniques'' track with the following abstract:

    Attend this session to learn how to access Mac OS X features using LabVIEW, including the command line, pipes, Script, and FrameWorks. Explore data acquisition options and specific LabVIEW for Mac extensions for image acquisition, database access, and math.

  6. Brian,

    Chris Salzmann of EPFL Switzerland is working on a MySQL link from LabVIEW8 riding MacOSX. You may want to contact him to be able to beta test his present work. You should be able to find his contact by browsing the info-labview archives.

    Regards and happy platform independent wireworks



    How can i connect to a mysql database with mac os x?



  7. Dear LabVIEW programmers,

    I suppose some know me as the notorious advocate for LabVIEW to stay on its initial heritage platform. I know I would better spend my energy on other topics but the circumstances force me to keep the issue recognized. Even though the present majority of LabVIEWers use LV on Windows there is still an active group of LabVIEW pioneers and very committed users who were faithful to NI as well as Apple for nearly two decades by now. Note that the success of the LV-environment was made possible by an initially very small community who recognized the potential and the beauty of graphical programming of DAQ solutions at a very early stage!

    I personally never really understood the breakthrough of the MS-OSes but it obviously happened this way. If you work with LabVIEW on the Apple platform, if you consider this possibility in the future or if you believe in the fundamental value of keeping LabVIEW independent of computer OSes it would be a valuable service if you take the small survey under ''Measurement and Control Products for MacOSX'' at:


    Thank you very much for your support.

    Have some peaceful and relaxing days and a good start into 2006.


    Urs Lauterburg

    Physics demonstrator

    LabVIEW wireworker since LabVIEW 2 on Apple Macintosh

    Physikalisches Institut

    University of Bern


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