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Posts posted by metin

  1. Jim,

    You are right. I forgot when I played with this that I couldn't get it to work for a VI property. It also crashes LV for me when I try to typecast the App to a GObj and use it.

    Regarding a list of property indices, there was a post where I requested such a list Here. I never heard from anyone so I started compiling a list. I never finished, nor did I get very far.

    Hi dsaunders:

    you can get the index of any, even private property.

    (1) Create a property node (e.g. Panel:SelList[])

    (2) Create an indication for this property

    (3) Finally call GetPropertyCallData linked to any control/indication

    Unfortunately this works only for Generics and I can not add a picture to this reply.

  2. Has anyone seen this behavior before?

    I was building a front panel for a subvi with a table and several enums on it.

    When I tried to save it, the asterisk that indicates changes would briefly flash off and then appear again, no matter how many times I tried to save it,

    PLUS one of the enum controls would occasionally dim (as if it had been changed and the changes had not yet been applied. But if I clicked on it, it would be okay again,

    PLUS the Run Arrow became broken (possibly because of the dim enum).

    When I clicked on the broken arrow, the vi started running and could not be stopped by the "Abort Execution" (stop sign) control or "ctrl-."

    Turning on Execution Highlighting showed nothing; looking at the hierarchy window showed no green execution arrows.

    I tried to close LabVIEW but got a neverending "Resetting vi" dialog.

    I finally just had to abort LabVIEW using the task manager and lose my table changes.

    This happened after a fresh reboot that I did, after noticing the save/asterisk problem the first time.

    Befuddling. At least it hasn't happened again, yet.

    yes, i have seen at least the save/asterisk problem before, using 8.01 on linux. it appears after copying and renaming strict type definitions and the VI that contains these controls using a console. after loading the VI, the save/asterisk problem appears. a workaround that works for me, is to open the renamed type definition, change e,g the label and save it. the VI can be saved without any problems.

    hope, that helps.

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