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Everything posted by zli0022

  1. Guys, Thank you very much for your reply. The reason I need variable cluster size (for displaying measuring data) is that there are so many different kind of tests in our lab with different number of channels. I try to design my code (using cluster for dsiplaying the data) to as flexible as possible to include all different case. I will also look at Open G to get better solution. Thank you so much for your help!! Ross Liu
  2. Hi! Guys, My name is Ross Liu. I would like to share a little problem with Labview. I have a VI with a cluster used for real measuring data display. I need a cluster size to be changable because I used different configration file with different channels. I would like to know if it is possible to change the cluster size with diffent number of channels data display. I am still using LabVIEW 6.1. Or is there any better way to deal with this case? Many Thanks!! Ross Liu :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
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