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Posts posted by abedin

  1. Make sure you close all the references before you end your app with "Close File", "Close Reference", "Release ...", "Destroy ...", or similar.

    Thanks for the reply didierj.

    I did close all the files and references but could you explain more about "Release" ,"Destroy"? I never found that before. By the way, i used couple of variables on arrays in my program. Does it effect the memory? If it does, how to free it?



  2. Hi guys.

    I'm stuck with a problem here. Hope somebody will help me. Right now I'm developing a simulator that read input from CSV files. The problem is when i exit the simulator, the memory used to load the files still being use by LabView (200+mb viewed from task manager). Could I free those memory without exiting LabView or maybe programmatically flush the memory (while running the simulator)?

    Thanks in advance.



  3. Thanks WMassey for the reply.

    You are using the 'event structure' and its 'double click' event aren't you?

    It may not matter but are you talking about an ordinary listbox or a multicolumn listbox?

    How do you have the 'selection mode' of the listbox setup?

    I'm not using event structure. I use the invoke node Get DblClk Row function on ordinary listbox. The selection mode was 1 item only.

    Which value are you trying to capture?

    The double-click event of the event structure does not directly return the value of a listbox control.

    It will however return the number of the row that is double clicked.

    I'm trying to capture the row number but the problem is, my program can't capture it. The value reset to -2 too fast.
    Is it possible some other part of your code is also acting on or updating the same listbox control and is responding to a parallel event (or just doing a periodic update)?

    Maybe. I'll check on that.

    edit : can't find any parallel events that related. :headbang: maybe I'll try using event structure



  4. Hi,

    When you're using property nodes, you're only affecting how you display the string.  Yo are NOT actually modifying the string itself.  Thus you're "losing" the underline when you concatenate the strings. 

    You will therefore need to use the property node for the final string indicator.  And to underline character(s) from within the string, you can use the Selection Start/End property.  See the following thread for more on this property:


    I am attaching the modified example (saved in 7.1.1).

    Hope this helps,



    Thanks Khalid for the fast reply. The underline works but there's another problem. Before that let me discribe the project that i'm on. I'm doing the ANSI escape sequence (VT100) emulation for a very old machine. The machine sends a row/cols sequence like esc[2;5H (meaning row no.2,cols no.5). The underline were supposed to be a cursor under the menu. Now the problem is, everytime the cursor change place, the previous menu selected still underlined. Is there a way to refresh the indicator on receiving new cursor coordinates?

    Sorry for my English and thanks again Khalid.

    EDIT: It's settled. I just connect an empty string constant to the indicato's property node at the begining of sequence structure(I've use flat sequence structure)

  5. Hi guys... This might sound simple but I just can't solve it.

    I'm quite new to labview (just started using it a month ago). I'm trying to put an underline under certain char within a string like a cursor control. I'm using property nodes to make the char bold and underlined. It was working fine before I combine it with other strings.

    I just can't figure out what to do. Please help..

    Btw, i've attached a portion of my VI. Sorry for my English, I'm still learning.

    Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: The display should be like this

    TEST 100 VER 1


    The underline should be under the first char on selected menu.

    Download File:post-2482-1124160583.vi

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