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Everything posted by mariuszl2

  1. I build an array of references and managed to do what I wanted. Sadly, I dont understand shoneill's suggestion. Can You be more specific? How can it initialize itself?
  2. Hi. I have a front panel that consists of 30 XControls. Depending on the test each of them has to have different caption and position. I use an .ini file to read the configuration data and assign it to the specific XControl. But if I have many Xcontrols i have to create separate Property Nodes and assign the data for every control separately. Is there a way to put this inside a loop so the code uses smaller area of the screen?
  3. I`ve created a primitive xcontrol that reacts moreless as I wanted. It is a slider, it has a bool output, that is ON when You click and drag your mouse up. It also tourns ON when You press it abowe the zero value, but switches OFF when You release the mouse button. But there is one problem, when it is ON it switches of when you just click on it instead of having to do a swiping down motion. Does anyone has any idea how can I do that? Here`s my XControl: http://www.sendspace.com/file/emvvoz
  4. Damn, gonna have to learn how to make them Anyone knows any good tutorials? Apart from the one on NI site.
  5. Hi, I`ve run into a problem. I created a VI that modifies the behaviour of a switch. It will be used in the touch panel user interface. I want to be able to save it as a subvi or a control so i can just drop it on the front panel of the main VI. How can i do that? Here`s what I`ve created: switch.vi
  6. Hi, is it possible to use multitouch PC monitor (for example HP Compaq L2105tm) to control front panel in LaBVIEW? Does LV support multitouch interface? What about single touch? Does it work just like a normal mouse?
  7. Well, I was inspired by this video:
  8. Hi, recently I`ve been thinking about buying a FPGA starter kit to use with LV, but I cant find the list of FPGA boards that LV supports. I`ve been thinking about Spartan 3 200K, because it`s fairly cheap and easy to get in Poland. Can you recommend any other FPGA boards that LV FPGA driver supports? The price that I`m willing to pay is ~200 $.
  9. No. one button is always on. I think I`m gonna do it by inserting normal buttons inside Radio buttons. I didn`t know I can do that
  10. Hi, I have a small problem. I have three buttons in front panel and only one of them should be ON at the same time. Example: Button 1 is pressed when VI starts. When I press Button 2, Button 1 should switch OFF and so on. I`m using Event structure and references to do this, but when I make it into a subvi it has inputs for the references. Is there any other way to do it? I attached my Vi below. Hopefully it will give You understanding of what I`m trying to do. boolean test.vi
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