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Everything posted by pandaman

  1. Ha. You can truly tell if a c/c++ programmer changes to LabVIEW when they still put // in their comment boxes... I still do it even though I know it's redundant
  2. Oh yea, it's an exclusive OR bit operator....
  3. Wow, it worked! I wonder though why LabVIEW uses ** instead of ^... it would make much more sense to use the former since it works in the Eval f(x) methods. I am very curious as to how ^ operates in expression nodes, since I did receive output. Thanks for the help :worship:
  4. How would you express exponential expressions using ONLY expression nodes (found in numeric on functions bar)? I have tried 10^x, but the values are not desirable: 1------[10^x]-----11 2------[10^x]-----8 3------[10^x]-----9 4------[10^x]-----14 5------[10^x]-----15 6------[10^x]-----12 I have tried exp(), but it doesn't work... ...
  5. Ok sorry again i got it: Application Control > Property node Right click > Select Class > VI Server > VI Left click on Property > Front Panel Window > Open Sorry for posting... it was redundant
  6. Is it possible to display subvi front panels only during certain circumstances (i.e. through invoke nodes)? I cannot find the method responsible for this. I want this to be either a parameter in the subvi or something that alters the subvi's visibility in the main program.
  7. Yes, I did used to run my program as a VI, but i recently received LV 7.1 and an app builder... so I will use your previous advice (I want the actual app to have the icon while preserving the extension). The reason why my organization runs LV programs as VIs is because LabVIEW is installed on every computer we use. Thus, it makes it easy to modify code if we want to quickly change the behavior of the program. However, I can make copies of the object and source code for that matter. Thanks for the help!
  8. Oh, after building the application... I don't have the appplication builder...
  9. Dont worry, I found out where "index values" are... I can just implement them using property nodes. Thanks for the help!
  10. Ahh!!! Not again!!! Sorry 'bout that, but I do not have LV 7.1. I gotst 6.1
  11. Is it possible to synchronize two array indicators such that when the index of one array is selected, the values of both arrays at this index are displayed? Ex: An array of x-values and an array of y-values are displayed on the front panel. The user is allowed to select the point # (point 0,1,2...) in order to view the co-ordinates.
  12. Hello, I was wondering whether it is possible to allow the icon in the upper-right hand corner of LV to be displayed in windows prior to opening. I already have an icon designed for my program and it would draw the user's attention much faster if it were visible prior to running. Any help on this would be much appreciated.
  13. I lub eclipse :thumbup:
  14. Sorry, but I don't have Labview 7.0 :headbang:. How would you do it in Labview 6.1? If the example is in LV 6.1 under a different name, please direct it to me. Thanx
  15. So does anyone know how to return values that have been drawn on a graph or even drawing on a graph for that matter?
  16. Aww... to bad I don't have LabVIEW 7.1....so if I can't use d/led 7.1 libraries . Oh well, I can always nag my dept. to get it. Thanks anyway.
  17. Well thanks again Louis, and thank you dhuff. I didn't notice that as I write in LabVIEW 6.1 and use 7.0 libraries. This should save alot of time! I don't have to code completely from the ground up anymore! Thanks again :worship:.
  18. Thank you both... I have however modified previous radio button code to work with my program (using the power of local variables and property nodes). Having done this, I am too lazy to use your method, aledain :laugh:. I will probably use it in the future though. I have attached a diagram of the section of my code responsible for button handling. It may be useful to others who want coded button handling who require it to be in many nested structures. EDIT: Also include wait for 1 ms somewhere near button code (within while loop)
  19. I often use versions 6.1 and 7.0 of LabVIEW and have noticed that while LabVIEW 7.0/7.1 is backwards compatible, earlier versions of LabVIEW cannot open 7.0 vi's. This is a problem, as I require to open 7.0 vi's in 6.1. Is it possible to convert 7.0/7.1 vi's to 6.1 vi's if the source code is uniform for both?
  20. I am currently writing a program in LabVIEW 6.1 that makes use of a series of radio buttons. I understand how to manually do this, but the complexity of my program makes it too much work. I have seen in other posts that there is a way to use a control for a codeless alternative to this dilemma, but the attachments have been deleted. If anyone knows how to do this, please attach the appropriate control or show me how it's done. Thanks
  21. VEERRRY interesting... I tried it again and it worked! Silly me, trix are for kids! Thanks for the help, even if it was just showing me it worked.
  22. Sorry for the confusion in my first post, but I want to input an exponential function, such as (.34)*(9.6)^x, rather than a number in scientific notation, and have it recognized by the Eval y=f(x) method found in Block Diagram > Functions > Mathematics > 1D and 2D Evaluation > Eval y=f(x).vi
  23. Well, the problem with using the built-in exponent method is that I can only evaluate a single exponential expression, such as 3^2 and 4^5. Instead, I want be able to input an exponential expression with a variable, such as (1.5)*(2)^x, and use the evaluate y=f(x) function (Block Diagram > Functions > Mathematics > 1D and 2D Evaluation > Eval y=f(x).vi) to generate an array of doubles from an inputed set of bounds. I thought of using separate loops to generate the array using the Power of X operation instead of the Eval y=f(x), but it would be in discord with my hierarchy and variable placement. I tried to minimize my code by placing functions and variables outside of my control structures, but I guess this has screwed up the functionality :headbang:.
  24. In Labview 6.1, I've been trying to enter an exponential function into a string and cannot figure out which character to use to denote the exponent (I've already tried the ^ key but to no avail). I know Labview has a method for handling exponents, but the program that I wrote calls for a function in a string.
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