Hi Steen,
I totally agree with you about the limitations of Shared Variables and about the disappointing support from NI regarding SVs. However, I haven't given up on them quite yet. Actually, the majority of our systems are still designed with SVs as the main tool for intra-process (and extra-process) signalling, and I must say they work really well.
I design data acquisition and control systems for thermal vacuum chambers that are used to perform space simulation. Tests can be up to one month long (24/7) but everything happens relatively slowly. The acquisition rate of our CompactRIOs is 1Hz and losing a reading once in a while is not an issue. Also, the outputs can take a couple seconds to react without causing problems. Finally, data loggers that record hundreds of temperature readings are queried only once every 10 seconds. In this environment, Shared Variables with the DSC module and a Citadel database can be an excellent solution, especially because they benefit from the power of the Distributed System Manager. When we consider other designs, like VIRegister, the DSM is the factor that tips the scale in favour of using Shared Variables.
Having said that, I don't see anything wrong with VIRegister and I will consider it next time I design a high throughput application (yes, we do have some of those as well ).