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Posts posted by bburan

  1. What you probably want to do is create a seperate table for the large array sets. This way you can perform searches and potential analysis on the data. Each element in the array will be a record consisting of the value and a key which will reference your single TblData entry.

    Agreed. However, it really depends on what you intend to do with the array. If you think you ever will want to search for or analyze individual elements in the array, Michael's suggestion is the best one. An alternative is to convert it to a "spreadsheet string" or some other format that can be parsed back into an array, and store that string in the field. This, however, makes it impossible to search or analyze the data in the array using SQL. I generally use both techniques in one project depending what I need to do with the data in the array.

  2. When I first started out creating my application, I tried saving my subVIs in folders according to their purpose. For example, subVIs to extract my experiment data from text files went in one folder, subVIs to perform signal processing went in another, and then I had a "miscellaneous" folder for some subVIs that did not logically fit into any of the other folders I made. Looking back on my hierarchy, I realize that I made some bad choices about where I placed my subVIs, and want to rearrange them. The problem, however, is that when I rearrange them, I have to go through every VI that uses these subVIs and teach the VI the new location of the subVI. Is there any way to avoid having to do this?

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