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Everything posted by Timmar

  1. Just thought I should add my trials an tribulations to future users of perforce and labview. First i found Visual Guide to source control to be a great resource to explain source control to my colleges. 2nd: Requirements Analysis. I have multiple users on multiple branches in multiple sites. This functionality Ruled out SVN as a choice I am a former user of clearcase, which has spoiled me for features, but not price nor speed. Perforce, on paper a good balance between cost and features. If i was working in a text based language I would be over the moon. So where to Start: John's essential Guide Without this I would have been lost in the weeds for days, Give it a read, Special Thanks to John at Giawerx. Here is the extra information: Install the P4 SCC IDE plugin to enable Labview to see Perforce through the advanced interface (The command line implementation is poor). John has done this but doesn't explicitly say so in his guide. When creating a new, empty Depot, you will need to check the view path, the default settings don't work. Drive Substitution My last unresolved challenge (Jump in here if anyone can help): To combat Laview's(and other compilers) incessant need to crosslink all files with absolute paths, I have got into the practice of substituting the project root to another drive (A: and B: tend to be unused now days). This works seamlessly with clearcase. I haven't yet figured out how to do it with perforce. Perforce tech help recommend adding your substituted drive path to "alt root" but I have been unsuccessful in applying it to my setup. Stay tuned for a solution, or better still provide one, I will be much appreciative. Tim L.
  2. I have used a workaround to solve this problem: Create a substitute drive from the project root and work from it. The catch is that some source control packages don't recognize the files. Clearcase works.
  3. I am a former Clearcase user. It is sluggish, expensive, and frustrating. On balance it is still the best package I have ever used. I work with large projects, multiple users and multiple branches. If this is you, I would advise against the smaller applications such as cvs and svn as they have poor interaction with other users. For me it is important to tell another user that you are modifying a file. It triggers you to have a chat to them. Good history and merge tools are also important. My analysis has shown that Perforce is probably the best balance between free, commercial, fast and featured. Assuming that you already have a Clearcase admin, it should be a breeze to setup and use. It "Just Worked" Perforce has been an adventure to set up, Requiring IDE plugins and special file paths and a bit more manual control of workspaces. I am still hoping that this will be a good solution for competent users. In summary: Don't Fear Clearcase Consider Perforce. For a single developer single path project, Subversion + TortoiseSVN + Push OK SVN IDE + Labview Professional
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