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Posts posted by spaaw

  1. If you are using a VIT structure doesn't that me you are creating clones. Could it be that when these clones are created that the Symantec initiates a scan of the clone. I could see where that might cause problems.


    It could be.. ill look into that.

    What is the processor usage while it is running? Could it be maxing out one of the cores and thus killing one of those timed loops that's tied to that core?

    While running, the processor is at 13-16%. When freezing (thats when its conflicting with Tamper Protection) it jumps up to 90% for up to 5 sec. I tried 2 different computers and the problem is the same. I tried changing the assignments of the timed loops and changing the core assignments with no luck.

    I also disabled all writes to disk and tried running 1 core with no luck either.

    I will keep you updated.

    Thanks again!


  2. Thank you for your suggestions.

    I realized that in an earlier release of my program the problem doesn't exist. The things that have been added since then are:

    1) The assignment of the timed loops to specific cores.

    2) The use of a VIT structure and LabView queues to create multiple threads.

    must be one of these two options that is cusing a conflict between my app and temper protection.

    I will play with the code and keep you updated!


  3. Why does Symantec End Point Protection Tamper Monitor lock out my LabView App for up to 5 seconds?

    I am running a multi threaded application where each thread is assigned to a different core on a 4-core PC running XPPro. Two of the threads are identical and started through a VIT. LabView queues are used to communicate between the various threads. The application makes extensive use of the Vision Development software, including real time acquisition from multiple GigE cameras. Software is LabView 2009, Vision 2010 and VAS 2010 and Windows XPPro. We use serial communication and write TXT files to disk. We do not access the Internet.

    Our customer runs Symantec End Point Protection (corporate version of the Norton AV software) V11.0.6200.754. Something in our application causes the Symantec Tamper Protection EXE to lock out our LabView app and all other software including the XP task monitor for periods of up to 5 seconds at random intervals. If you disable tamper protection, the application runs fine. You can also download a standalone version of Symantec AV and the application runs fine. So it seems like it is something about the Symantec Tamper Protection.

    Anybody else seen this problem?


    (text quoted from my boss)

  4. Hey!

    I want to be able to change my camera's attributes while the program is running. With the code I have now, I am able to change the attributes only at the beginning before the start of the VI. I have been told I need to use STOP and START IMAQdx modules to update the attributes ( IMAQdx session has to be closed and reopened?). I got stuck. Looking at my code, can you tell me what to do next? How do i change the code so that I can control the frames while he program is running? In my example,lets focus on frame control and ignore the width, height, shutter etc.

    Picture and VI attached.





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