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Everything posted by BrokenArrow

  1. QUOTE(martin@aerodynamics @ Feb 28 2007, 03:55 AM) Good 'fo, thanks so much. :worship: :thumbup:
  2. Thanks for the replies. This all sounds in line with what I heard back at version 6.1, but I was unsure if the attitude at NI had changed as of 8.0. It only makes sense that we'll take work home, it's not two separate developers making $$ on one liscense, etc etc. Over the years it's been my friend's habit that he does real "work" at work, and makes VI's "pretty" at home. I can't think that NI would have an issue with that (although my wife and son might) I mean my friend's wife and son. Richard p.s. I'll let you know if I hit a snag
  3. I have a "friend" who uses LV 8.2 at work. He wants to take it home and install it there as well, perhaps on two computers because this bloke never knows which one will be available to him (he has a kid). He has premission from his boss to take home the CD's. The NI liscense says his copy is good for three different computer installs. This number has been reached at work. Will it install at my, I mean his home? This new internet mandated install stuff with 8.2 has him worried. Thanks, Richard p.s. liscense is very hard to spell
  4. Thanks to all - excellent suggestions - you've got me thinking outside the box a little. I still think the transparent buttons on top of custom indicators is the most obvious route, although probably the most messy insofar as the sheer mass of back panel things to keep track of. I have, in the past, bundled these things into VI's, but the references are almost as clumsy, and editing is a chore. Also, there's the anti Property Node (cousin to anti Local Variable) thing nagging at me. Ah I see Lava has it's own User Interface section - should have put this there! <noob> Anybody want to make my vi :thumbup: prettier?
  5. QUOTE(yen @ Feb 18 2007, 05:18 PM) Wouldn't dream of it! That forum has saved me time and angst more times than I can count. QUOTE(yen @ Feb 18 2007, 05:18 PM) I'm not sure which problem you've had. For detecting click positions you should use the front panel coordinates you can get from the property nodes.... Nope, didn't do that. It ws the physical resizing of the window, and moving of some controls that caused my mouse clicks to be ill-received once I EXE'd it all. Had I used PN's, I'd been golden. =================== OK, so attached is a sample of a custom control that is in one of my (older) programs. I've extrated the fluff and esoteric junk, and left it with just the basic octagon I mentioned. This is pretty typical Property Node Hell that I encounter when doing this stuff. There's NINE total custom controls, consisting of the basic octagon and eight red lines that appear on the octagon as things are selected. The important feature (and the hardest to do) is to let the user click on any side of the octagon to select that side. The users don't like to select from a drop-down box - which is easy. Anyway, you'll get the idea. How would a "real pro" do this? Richard
  6. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Feb 18 2007, 02:25 PM) Yes, that's me Jim! Just never really ventured outside NI too much until now. Glad I did -- responses on a Sunday! BTW, I'm a big fan, and appreciate your response. VIPM rocks! ------------- Thanks for the responses. Crelf, my run arrow is broken more often than not, hence the name. -------------- Yen, I've used the MouseDown event in the past, but it gave me trouble on EXE's. I think it had to do with resizing the window before I made the VI - the mouse no longer had a reference. That experience put a bad taste in my mouth, and I haven't gone back, but I'm willing to try again. My upcomming projects will involve schematic-based user controls --- the "buttons" will look nothing like buttons -- so the Mouse Down is a good vehicle for that. Thanks for reminding me. The Picture Ring is great, but you can't "click on it". I hope to have my Octagon downloaded soon so you guys can laugh at.. I mean help me
  7. Hello all! My first post , although I've lurked a bit. This is a great site, and I look forward to participating. On to the question: I'm looking for tips and tricks, examples, and methods of creating custom controls. In my position, I have to do this a lot, and have had some success, but the code is messy. A typical example of something I've implemeted a dozen times is a simple octagon, which will turn red on the side you click on. In my case, this simple looking device contains multiple custom controls, transparent buttons, and Visible property nodes. This takes up a lot of space, and I'm wondering if thinks there's an easier way. I'll post my octagon when I'm on my other computer. Anyway, any tips are appreciated, or links to examples. Please note I use 7.1 as default because I don't always have access to 8.X. - Richard
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