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Posts posted by Break_da_funk

  1. Just wire the error output into a case structure. In the "Error" case, put a "Clear Error" and pass False to your "In Use?" output. In the "No Error" case, close the port and pass out True.

    Thank You for the suggestion.

  2. There may be an easier/cleaner way, but you could attempt to open the port; if it fails, it's in use. Make sure you close it again, though.

    Thank You for reply.

    So...open port and check error string and if error string = null then port status is "opened"?

  3. Hello!

    How can I check a com port state: opened/closed by using Visa Serial components?

    I found property: "Serial settings: Is port connected?" but when I'm trying to use it LabView says:


    I'll be grateful for help.



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