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  1. What kind of serial communication and what problems are you having?
  2. You all bring up a very interesting topic. I have sent an email to Mr. Bailey to ask for his response on the hardware issue. Now that I think about it, I have seen Measurement computings ads attacking NI for some time now. My favorite is the NI sales guy ad campaign (where they claim that NI's prices are higher because they have to pay for sales guys). Either way....I don't know much about the law but is it legal to copy someone elses board. Its blatently obvious I think. I read the white paper and it sounds to me like MCC just reverse engineers the boards NI makes and sells them for less...even using the same name. (is this legal?) If thats the case, then of course they can cost less...they didn't have to dedicate so much time toward the engineering of the product. Of course this could all be rumors I don't know. I would really like to hear MCC's stand on this issue.
  3. I am assuming that you all reading these messages are also against the music industry lawsuits? Why are they taking legal action against all of these people "stealing" their property? I look at it from a different perspective...If I were to invent something or write a #1 song I would try my hardest to protect it. Does it make you a bully for trying to do this? Yes, NI has taken legal action against other companies but what would you rather have them do? Sit back and let this happen? Let people take from the ideas and claim them as their own? graphical programming does not have to be anything like LabVIEW. Its all about paradigm paralysis. We see whats working and try to build off it. That can be tough and that will often cause problems. When the inventors of LabVIEW came up with idea it was a shift from the paradigm of text-based programming. I'm sure in the future some intelligent 12 yr old will develop the future of programming. And it will probably be without "wires." I am defenitely against frivelous lawsuits, but I am a firm believer in an owner receiving all credit for his creation....If I build my product X, why should I license it out if it doesn't benefit me? If its mine, I'll do with it what I please and protect it all costs.
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