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Everything posted by edongliang

  1. Do you plot it in Diadem ? Can you pass me some example like the first picture?
  2. ok I will try it IS Diadem can export the picture into the front panel ? And it can ecport into the word ?
  3. HI ShaunR : You donot attached the Draw Grid.Vi where are the X SCale space Cluster array from? liang You mean that Labview can plot the same look like the first picure. what about DIAdem or matlab?
  4. HI ShaunR : Thank you ! I am a beginer ,so i can not understand your Vi. I donot konw X SCale space Cluster array include what? can you pass me you VI?
  5. sorry ! The picture has been added.
  6. Hi everyone They are two picture (one name is "I want "(call picture 1 in the above),other is "I have""(call picture 2,in the under),) in the attach. I want get the form of the picture 1. They are a lot of different. 1 The background color is different. I want get the color as picture (white). 2 The y legend in the picture 1 have different position, but I can do it. Someone can give me any suggestion?Can I using other method ? Are there other methods draw my picture(like call matlabe)?
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