I have a suite of compiled DLLs. One of them is essentially the "Load Data" function where you pass it arrays of values; the second is a "Compute" function, which uses the values you gave it earlier. However, the "Load Data" function isn't stashing away the data, but simply storing the array pointers for the "Compute" function. I need to arrange for LabVIEW to keep the data - untouched - and in the same place, between the calls to the "Load Data" and "Compute" DLLs.
I've tried using shift variables and global variables, but they appear to both cause LabVIEW to copy the array data and pass the pointer to the copy on to "Load Data", and then throw it away. So now when "Compute" is called, the saved pointer is to memory that may have been reallocated. *Crunch*. Time to restart LabVIEW.
I could do this in "C" with a "static" declaration (using memory from the data and/or heap, not the stack), but I'm still new to LabVIEW. I checked the existing threads and didn't see this question asked. Could somebody please advise?