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LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2012
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have downloaded the driver software and it does recognize my 6009 device but there is very little getting started information for the beginner. That brings me back to my original question of has anyone created a vi to generated a 5 VDC 1 Milliamp pulse output signal from a Macintosh ( OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard) using LabVIEW 2011 and a NI-6009 USB DAQ device?
  2. MAX and the CD/DVD that came with my 6009 are only for the Windows operating system they do not work with the Apple Operating system
  3. The application is to activate a electromechanical relay I need a 5VDC 1milliamp pulse. I have read the manual that came with the DAQ device but it says nothing about the LabVIEW programming to handshake with the DAQ device or how to make LabVIEW talk to the DAQ device. If there is a manual for the Apple Macintosh version of LabVIEW (it does not have the nice tools for DAQ that windows LabVIEW) please direct me to a manual of DAQ programming for the Apple Macintosh version of LabVIEW
  4. How do I send a 5VDC pulse signal from a NI 6009 USB device attached to a Apple Macintosh (OSX) running LabVIEW 2012?
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