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Dragon Day Movie

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Status Updates posted by Dragon Day Movie

  1. A big, big THANKS to these great folks who recently contributed to our fundraising campaign!Jim Jerzycke, James... http://t.co/FA9Zo4Sk

  2. Another great one for Duke and his family trying to survive in DRAGON DAY! Thanks again for Homesteading /... http://t.co/fXLI7fwQ

  3. $32,000 in 7 days!That's our HUGE task this week and we need YOUR help :)SHARE our campaign link:... http://t.co/mJ0H96Kx

  4. Help us get to 700 LIKES today - tell a friend about DRAGON DAY! Thanks :)http://t.co/Xml1bRxN

  5. Check out these ENCOURAGING comments recently left by contributors to our campaign ( http://t.co/01ALr17E ) http://t.co/xk2bPwHS

  6. Check out the headlines of today's Wall Street Journal... http://t.co/mnBFobDg

  7. What if China launched a cyber attack against the US?Watch the trailer for DRAGON DAY! http://t.co/I4vPXsD9

  8. On 60 Minutes last night: "Their overriding concern is this: that the Chinese government could exploit Huawei's... http://t.co/g8rtjvk5

  9. Dear DRAGON DAY fans!You are amazing! We love you and THANK YOU for "Liking" our page and being involved!We... http://t.co/r97IMRP2

  10. Only 3 days left to contribute to our IndieGoGo campaign! Every bit helps us make the film better. Can you help?... http://t.co/6eJ9CBsZ

  11. Check out this comment left by Rochelle on our campaign page - it's so true!!!Every contribution is one step... http://t.co/qEjol9fH

  12. Share this picture and show your support for DRAGON DAY! http://t.co/Ls7o4sKp

  13. US readies cyber-attack forces http://t.co/s6lEvqtc ( via @BBCWorld) Our film DRAGON DAY has been crying out for this! http://t.co/xc77df1Q

  14. Hey night owls. 3 hrs left in our campaign. You sure will sleep well 2nite knowing you supported an indie film! http://t.co/xc77df1Q

  15. https://t.co/y53t8xrbT4 https://t.co/BtcUyM0a5x

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