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Everything posted by ahmelsayed

  1. @nabilelhalfawy غالبا بيبقى قانون قديم او قانون بلد جوة الولاية. حضرتك ممكن تراجع اللينك ده و هتلاقى قوانين غريبة.. https://t.co/5OrPsFNkEt

  2. Hello Everyone, I'm trying to generate an Excel sheet report for some readings using "Report Generation toolkit" But when trying to generate the report, the report generation part of code is executed and gives Error(7) and there is no report is generated. The Code I use is attached. Can I get help please? Thanks in advance Report Generation.zip
  3. Good Automated Manufacturing Practice #GAMP http://t.co/luYcBCSe

  4. Moving to work with a new automation platform and adding a new point to my experience!

  5. Continued:2. You can throw away your child psychology books.1. Your children won't move back in after graduation.

  6. A single convergence-ready control platform features a common control engine, networking technology, configuration environment and communic…

  7. Weighing module for Simatic PLC S7-1200 from @siemensindustry http://t.co/3y9HzW8g

  8. My new development kit (DK-LM3S9B96) from #TI based on 32-bit #ARM #Cortex-M3 - Just got it yesterday :)http://t.co/4UyHIhui

  9. Again !, Need more RAMs beside the recent 8GB :( ... Exchanging data between 5 different software Packages. NI LabVIEW .. Siemens WinCC .. …

  10. PAC offers monitoring, control, and data acquisition capabilities plus Ethernet connections with company computers. Full analog and digital…

  11. Programming methodologies must work equally well for both small and large projects.

  12. Would you prefer a code of thousands of lines or just a #TTL package instead for the same function?!

  13. #Renesas Starter Kit+ for #RX62N | http://t.co/k9OPbqqB | Theoretically, I can deal with it !

    where can a one get it in #Egypt?!

  14. Physically Fit ! Physically Fit ! Physically Fit ! Fit ! Fit ! Fit !

  15. #Siemens online Support is now more efficient than before. @Siemens Just keep on :)

  16. I'll recommend the 'Leap' over the 'Xbox Kinect' for its pinpoint accuracy, the high sensitivity (1/100 of a mm) and its small size of an e…

  17. Converting a Desktop PC to a LabVIEW Real-Time Target is Ideal for:- Migrating a LabVIEW desktop Windows application to LabVIEW Real-Time.…

  18. Learning how to manage source code using the LabVIEW Project and configuration management tools, enforce good coding practices and ways to …

  19. I've just updated my professional profile on LinkedIn. Connect with me and view my profile. http://t.co/UPAOm3j2 #in

  20. Job opportunity: Systems Start-up Specialist Egypt at Husky Injection Molding Systems - Egypt #jobs http://t.co/nQ0Un5mE

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