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  1. Hi people. How do I create a reference?. I mean, I have a cluster in a VI and I want to have a reference to it in another VI in orther to use property nodes and things like that to change that cluster. Can anyone help me? beacause everytime i create a reference and I copy it to another VI, it shows the original cluster in the front panel of the second VI , and I'm not interested in that(Maybe it's the only way to do it). Thanks a lot. Fernando :beer:
  2. Hi people, I would like to share a little problem with Labview. I have a VI with a cluster which can be changed from the exterior (thanks to a connector). I would like to know if it is possible to change a single element of this cluster from another VI, without changing or putting the other values of the other elements in the cluster. Is it possible? Thanks in advance :headbang:
  3. Hello. I would like to ask you a question. I've seen that it is possible to open and to write arrays and tables into an excel file and show it from labview using ActiveX. Is it possible to make something like that wiht Microsoft word? I mean, I want to write some strings into a word document using active x but I don't know how to do it because I'm new using activeX controls. Thank you very much. :headbang:
  4. Hi verybody. I'm newby. I have a waveform graph in my front panel. Once I ran my main VI, I get a certain graph on the waveform graph in my fornt panel. What I want to do is, once I have generated the graph, I want to create an jpeg image file of that graph of the fornt pannel. Is it possible to make it? If yes, how can I do this? Thanks a lot :headbang:
  5. Thank you very much for the information. I think I've managed to resolve my problem.
  6. Can someone help me? I've been stuck for days with the same problem and I don't know what to do. In fact, my problem is that I have just started programming with Labview and sometimes it's difficult for me to find solution to my problems, so any help would be very appreciated. PROBLEM: I have a VI. When I run it, in the first step of the program, I want to open the front panel of another VI to configure some things. When I close it, I want to continue with the execution of the main VI and later I will run the other VI. I tried to make a property node to open the front panel (ex: Open Front panel try.vi) and it doen'st work beacause at the same time in another part of the main VI I have the try.vi included as a function to run it (beacuse I need some values given by the function to finalize my main program). Can anyone help me? Thank you very much. :headbang:
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